“Truth,” Kian's brother-in-law said.

Kian regarded Andrew for a long moment before returning his gaze to Dagor. “Are you happy here, Dagor?”

“Sure. Why wouldn't I be? The bed is very comfortable.”

Andrew chuckled. “That was a lie.”

Kian frowned. “The bed is not comfortable?”

Andrew chuckled. “I don't think he meant the bed.”


Aru had no intention of letting Edna into his mind, and he hoped she couldn't do that without touching him.

In fact, he regretted shaking her hand.

His secrets were too important to fall into even the friendliest of hands.

“What did you mean?” Kian asked his brother-in-law.

Andrew shrugged and tilted his head toward Dagor. “Ask him.”

Dagor cast a quick look at Aru before lowering his eyes. “The penthouse is very comfortable, but being around a honeymooning couple is not easy.”

Aru was aware of that, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He and Gabi tried not to act overly amorous in front of Negal and Dagor, but every look they exchanged was laden with the love and desire they had for each other.

“Truth,” the brother-in-law said.

The wife was a seer, and her brother was a truth-reader. That was a lot of paranormal talent in one family. Were they related to the gods living in Kian's community?

Syssi and her brother possessed impressive abilities. They were both good-looking but did not possess the near perfection that Kian exhibited, meaning they were not direct descendants of gods. Their godly ancestor must have been formidable, though.

“Okay.” Kian let out a breath. “I'm glad that your talent also works on gods.” He turned to Aru. “What about you? Can you repeat Dagor's words?”

Aru had no problem doing that, but he was getting tired of Kian second-guessing him. “The bed in the primary bedroom is very comfortable, thank you.”

“Truth,” Andrew said. “Even though the answer was sarcastic.”

“Come on, Aru.” Gabi nudged her mate's arm. “Tell them that they have nothing to fear from you.”

“I already did, and it's annoying that I was not believed.”

“They only want assurances.” She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “It's not personal, Aru. They are facing an existential risk, and they have to take security seriously.” She shook her head. “We, not they. I am now part of their community, and my safety is tied to theirs. Remember what they did to me so I couldn't tell anyone about immortals? They are super cautious not because they are paranoid but because it's necessary.”

“Thank you,” Kian said. “I'm glad to have at least one person understand why I have to be so careful.”

“I mean you no harm,” Aru said. “Not to you, not to the Kra-ell, and not to anyone else in your community. I'm racking my brains trying to figure out how to keep you all hidden from the Eternal King for as long as possible.”

“Truth,” Andrew said.

“Is everyone on the patrol ship really part of the resistance?” Anandur asked.

“They are.” Aru looked directly at Andrew. “But since it's always possible that someone could be a spy for the Eternal King, we don't talk freely among ourselves. Everything is compartmentalized and on a need-to-know basis.”

Dagor snorted. “Yeah. But somehow, you know more than anyone else, including the commander. I wonder why that is?”

Aru gritted his teeth not to reprimand Dagor for saying stuff like that in front of others. He would have to talk to him later.