Page 10 of Fate's Holi-Date

Me: “And awkwardness.”

Ursula: “Oh honey. I can still bring a ton of awkwardness. Just you wait.”

Me: “How many dates until you’re not awkward?”

Ursula: “I don’t know, how many until our 50th anniversary?”

Me: “I don’t know, five thousand dates? That’s how long until I stop being dorky. And after that, I’ll still be making you roll your eyes.”

Ursula: “I only roll my eyes when you’re being too flirty, not dorky.”

Me: “Was kissing you too flirty?”

She pauses, and I wait anxiously for the three little dots to appear.

Ursula: “No, not too flirty. Ballsy. But I liked it.”

I blow out a breath, and the tightness in my chest calms.

Me: “Thank god. I thought I ruined everything with that kiss.”

Ursula: “I wanted to kiss you back, but I decided to hold off. It’s complicated.”

Me: “I have no problem with that.”

Ursula: “Well you have no choice, do you? Lol.”

Me: “I would never want you to think I have expectations.”

Ursula: “Good. Because, number one? It’s been a while since I dated someone. The last guy I dated was a controlling jerk, and that’s why I haven’t dated. He was … a lot.”

My guts tumble. I do not like the thought of anyone mistreating her or trying to control her. “What’s his name? I’ve got questions for him.”

Ursula: “Logan, but that’s all I’m giving you, officer.”

Me: “That’s smart. Logan, huh? He sounds like a putz.”

Ursula: “He was. Probably still is. And there’s something else. I might be leaving town soon, so it wouldn’t be smart to get into anything serious.”

Me: “The FBI looking for you?”

Ursula: “Haha. No. I agreed to work in Fate for five years in exchange for my student loans being paid off. My time is almost up and I’m kinda itching to go back to Nashville.”

Me: “Huh. Interesting.”

Ursula: “I hope that doesn’t put a damper on our date. We’re just having fun, right?”

Me: “Totally.”

Ursula: “Cool.”

And now I have a challenge: I have a limited amount of time to get her to fall in love with me. Dang, I knew I should have asked her out as soon as I fell for her. And now she’s looking forward to moving back to the city where some putz broke her heart.

My feelings are all over the place. I have the irrational urge to punch that guy.

Me: “You sure you don’t want me to look up this Logan and take care of him?”

Ursula: “Good night, Noah.”