Page 14 of Fate's Holi-Date

“You drink?”

“Sometimes I enjoy a beer or wine with dinner but not tonight because I’m driving.”

“Are you trying to impress me with the bare minimum, sir?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Hm. Well at least your mother raised you right.”

“Grandmother, actually. But yes, yes she did.”

“I like the look of you, but I have some questions. This girl used to date a cop, and I have some concerns that her picker might be broken. You ever cheat?”

“No, ma’am, never.”

“You ever get weird and do drive-bys when your girl is out with her friends? Just to make sure she’s not out with other guys?”

“No, not intentionally.”

“Have you ever told a woman you don’t approve of her friends and tried to get her to stop seeing them?”


After a long pause, she sighs. “One more thing. Make sure you don’t do that old trick of following her around town in your patrol car and pulling her over when she doesn’t reply to your texts. Got it?”

“Got it.”

“Because I can already see it in your face that you’re gonna fall in love with my friend here, and I don’t want that love to turn into something weird and ugly. Got it?”

“Crystal clear.”

“Good. At ease, soldier. Let me say goodbye now.”

My brow is soaked from sweat by the time Jasmine hangs up the phone.

“Sorry for the third degree,” Ursula says, handing over my trousers.

“You didn’t tell me Logan was a police officer.”

Ursula winces. “Sorry. I really don’t like to talk about him. As you can see, Jasmine does all the talking when it comes to Logan.”

I lean in and press my lips against her cheek, lingering there for a moment, hoping I don’t mess up her pretty makeup. Then I shift my lips to her ear, my hand cupping the back of her neck. “Don’t apologize. But I still would like to have a word with that jerk.”

I pull back from her ear, and Ursula surprises me by fisting the front of my shirt and dragging me down for a real kiss.

It’s soft at first, but then she opens to me. I catch her bottom lip between mine and drag the tip of my tongue over it. She sighs into the kiss.

“Thank you,” she says, pulling away. Miraculously, her lipstick is still perfect. “You’d better go get ready.”

“And you’re all dressed up and waiting on me.”

She smiles up at me. “It’s fine. It’ll take that long to put my shoes on.”

I have no idea what this means until I’m showered, dressed, hair combed and ready. I step out of the bathroom and see what she means.

Ursula sits on the arm of her sofa with one black stiletto heel successfully strapped to her foot. She struggles with the other one, and I can see why. There are two straps with delicate buckles above and below the ankle, as well as a long wiry thing that wraps around her lower calves. I think that’s just decoration. Who knows, but it’s so freaking sexy that it makes my palms sweat.

Ursula laughs as she struggles with one of the buckles. “I’m left-handed so it’s always a problem when I have to do the right shoe. I always…whoa.”