Page 31 of Fate's Holi-Date

I turn to look at her. “You what?”

She nods. “I called them today. Juniper is going to help me with grants and things, because it’s a historic site. I don’t understand all of that, but it’s happening. I’m staying.”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

She nods, her smile beaming straight to my heart. “I don’t want to start my life over. I don’t want to go back to the way things used to be. I want to stay in Fate. And I want you.”

I don’t know what else there is to say. I might have to pinch myself.

Without giving it another thought, I scoop her up in my arms and swing her around, sharing with her a long, deep, soul-stirring kiss.

She feels as natural and easy in my arms as she did on the first day.

“I’m gonna take care of you for the rest of your life.”

“I know you will, Noah. I love you for showing up.”

I shake my head in almost disbelief. “I love you, too, sweet thing.”



One year later

The presentation on the plate in front of me is easily something I would order at the finest dining establishment in Nashville.

But here we are on New Year’s Eve, in little ol’ Fate. Something is magical about this town because we’ve managed to attract and retain one of the best chefs I’ve ever met. My husband.

Everything happened so fast when we returned from Jasmine and Chris’s wedding. Almost like it was predestined. Almost like Fate had something to do with it.

Taylor Ranch is now having its second life as part horse ranch, part event center. Noah eventually gave up working for the sheriff’s department to give riding lessons and cook full time.

I moved in with him at the ranch, and we’ve each been running ourselves ragged with our different enterprises.

When I bought the Currie Pharmacy, I wanted to put both of our names on the title. But Noah wouldn’t hear of it. Something about a woman needing something that was completely her own.

He’s right, but I would have if he’d asked me to. I trust him that much. Never in our time together has he shown himself to be anything other than the guy who earnestly sought me out for that first date to the Christmas Ball.

Tonight he’s finally able to breathe and kick back and relax now that he’s hired help in the kitchen for the ranch’s first New Year’s Eve party.

Everyone is here: Wyatt Mooney and Lucy, Ruby and Nick, Rex and Juniper, all those beefy Wood brothers and their families. Practically the whole town is dancing and celebrating.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Noah asks, nudging my plate.

Uncharacteristically, no. “I’ve been a little queasy all day,” I tell him.

“Are you sick? Do you need to go home?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I think I just need some air.”

Noah escorts me outside, and we run right into the new town doctor. Thank god that quack retired and the town finally nabbed someone reputable from Gold Hill. We have a real family practice in town now.

Dr. Daisy Allen stops on her way in as we’re on our way out. “Oh my god, congratulations!”

“Thank you,” I say. “Noah’s worked really hard on the place. So glad you could come.”

She gives me the strangest look, then laughs. “No, silly. About the baby.”