“Oh my god…” Freya hissed and as she jerked her dress up, I zipped her back up again, making her decent. “Did the driver—?”
“None of that matters right now,” Kaine told her. “Just you.” And then my brother asked the thing I should’ve the night I first met Freya. “What do you want?”
I moved so I could see at least the side of her face and when I did, I caught the flush across her cheeks.
“More.” Her voice was one part shy, one part vixen. “I want more.”
“More,” I said, and where the hell had that come from? I’d had a lovely dinner, and then had three guys work together to give me an orgasm on the drive home. “I want more.”
And I did. Good girls waited until the third date/sixth/until he’d spent two thousand dollars/six months, but I couldn’t seem to wait for another minute. My hands couldn’t stay still, reaching to stroke one impeccably tailored lapel or to grip another big strong hand, with a need that was riding me high right now. I still felt the aftershocks of the pleasure they’d all made happen thrumming through my body and I couldn’t help but want to do that again.
“Get the door,” River said and the others moved, getting out of the car and then holding the door as he swooped in. Those massive arms went around me and he held me tight against his chest.
“Why are you guys carrying me everywhere?” I joked as we emerged out into the car park. I studiously avoided looking at the driver as Kaine ensured he was paid. “I’m perfectly capable of walking myself.”
Was I? My legs felt like jelly due to how tight they’d been clenched as I’d ridden each wave of pleasure.
“You are capable,” Adam said, swimming into view. “So very capable, but we’re gonna want to do things for you that you can already do yourself. We like…” He shook his head. “We need to look after you.”
I glanced up at River, feeling a low rumble in his chest. He wasn’t saying much with his lips, but a whole lot with his eyes that stared into mine as he nodded slowly.
“And if we’re going to do that, we need to take things upstairs.” Kaine had returned, sounding crisp and authoritative, but those cool blue eyes heated up when he saw me.
I saw the same expression in each man’s face as they carried me into the lift. I saw the floors tick by and felt a growing sense of anticipation with each number that appeared. What would happen when they opened? I knew, and that had me squirming right up until the lift stopped. When we stepped out, Kaine retrieved the keys to the apartment from my bag, as River set me down on my feet.
How had anyone mistaken them for anything other than bears? That slow amble towards me, the gleam of their eyes… I took an involuntary step backwards, then another, a prey response. And they noted that, eyes narrowing slightly, right before Kaine spoke.
“You need to be clear on what you want tonight, Freya.”
“And what’s on offer?” I was mouthing off like I didn’t have a care in the world, even though every muscle in my body was quivering with the effort it took to stay in one place.
“Everything,” River growled. “You know that.”
And I knew what that meant now. He watched my hand move to trace across the bite on my neck, the skin so damn sensitive right now. Those eyes caught the little moan of pleasure that escaped me. So what would more look like? That was what the greedy part of me asked. What would it be like to have everything I’d ever wanted? Stuffed full, every erogenous zone worked, that was often a fantasy of mine, because when no one seemed to notice you, the idea of having three men focus entirely on your pleasure was pretty damn seductive.
But what he was offering was more than just tonight.
I had only seen Kaine’s bear, my fingertips rubbing together as I felt the phantom sensation of his fur, and when they drew closer to me, I tried to see it. Were they all polar bears under the skin or something else?
“So, am I going to meet your bears?” I asked.
“If that’s what you want.” Kaine stopped tracking me, standing with a square stance, his arms crossed. “We’ve never hidden that from you. But that’s not what you want to ask.”
“What’re you going to do to me?” came a much more honest question.
He smiled as he came to a stop and so did the other two, and it felt like the entire sleuth was eating me up with their eyes.
“We’re going to strip that gorgeous dress off your body. We’re going to stare at you, because, damn, that’s the only reasonable response when in the presence of someone so fucking beautiful. And when we’re done?” Kaine glanced at Adam and then back at me. “Then we’re going to learn you, find out what makes you gasp and cry out and even scream, right before we make you come more times than you think possible.”
I let out a little laugh, even as something throbbed deep inside me. “You’re building this up to be more than it is. No sex can be that good.”
“You doubt me?” Kaine slunk closer. No, all of them did, surrounding me now.
“Don’t doubtus,” Adam corrected. “We want that, Freya, more than you could know. It’s been burning inside each one of us since—”