“Let me handle this Dean,” I whisper pleadingly. Dean’s attention snaps back to me and I see the rage in his eyes as they narrow on mine.

“Stay out of this, Lily. For your own good!” Dean snaps back. “You’re not gonna say anything, are you?”

Liam blows out a long sigh before closing his eyes, visibly fighting to keep his composure. When he opens them again and fixes them on me, I’m surprised to realize that the emotion and pain are gone, replaced with pure stubbornness instead. It’s almost scary. “I can’t do this. I can’t be the father to Lily’s child. I’m sorry, Lily.”

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, knocking the air from my lungs. They leave me reeling, speechless. Stunned. Completely stunned. The words repeat over and over again in my head until all I can hear is the ringing of my ears. My heart hurts. Tears prick my eyes. I feel as though I could shatter into a million pieces. My stomach roils violently and there is a tightness in my chest that causes me to gasp.

My tearful gaze slides across Liam’s face to Dean’s who has a smirk on his face. “You really are a son of a bitch, Liam.” He dips his hand in the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a gun, cocking it and placing his finger on the trigger. “Now let’s make this quick shall we?”

“Dean!” I cry, grabbing his arm again. “Stop this! Put the gun down! It’s not gotten to this!” I turn my pleading eyes on him and start tugging on his sleeve as hard as I can. Liam remains unfazed by all that’s happening, or he’s faking it and he’s doing a great job at it. He walks over to his desk, andsinks deep into the chair as he folds his hands under his chin.

“See. The fool doesn’t care about his own life. No surprise he doesn’t care about his child’s.”

“Dean! Don’t do this please!” I continue to plead, but they fall on deaf ears.

“Go ahead. If it makes you feel any better.” Liam says in a stoic manner.

What a way to calm the situation. Liam leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the desk before folding his hands in front of himself and staring straight at Dean. “A clear hit.”

“Liam! Are you crazy?” I gasp, but he doesn’t move or flinch.

Dean smirks again and cocks the gun, taking aim at Liam’s forehead. “Lights out, Liam. Let me put you out of your misery.”

“Liam!” My voice cracks from my desperation and I continue to tug at Dean’s arm, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.

I can barely breathe, but somehow manage to stutter, “Dean, please. Listen to me.”

“Go ahead.” Liam says again. That seems to throw Dean off the cliff and he releases a sharp scoff. I struggle to release the gun from his hand before he can pull the trigger but he jerks his arm away from my grip and shoves me roughly away from him. I stumble back and completely lose my balance, sending my head crashing against the wall with a painful thud. My vision starts to blacken around the edges and I can feel the blood start to seep from my wound where the back of my head has hit the wall. I try to grab something, anything in support, but fail miserably as everything starts to go blurry and I fall back to the ground.

“Liam…” I whisper one last time.

The sound of Dean’s and Liam’s panicked voices fade away as everything goes black.




My nightmarish week just went from bad to hellish. I sit in the waiting room of the hospital, head in hands as I wait for the doctor to return and give us a report on Lily’s condition. She was knocked out cold by Dean’s shove earlier and bleeding from a wound in the back of her head. I’m out here fearing the worst and hoping for the best. Hoping neither her or the child is seriously harmed. From my little knowledge of medicine from movies and a few books, this looks as bad as it can get.

Dean continues to pace around while he waits, looking anxious and tense. His furious groans can be heard as he approaches the receptionist desk with his usual scowl.

“Why are they taking forever in there?” He asks angrily, voice filled with anger and frustration.

“You’re gonna need to be patient sir. The doctor should be right out any moment now,” the lady at the front desk says calmly, despite the obvious tension that permeates the air. I see her force a smile to her lips to try to calm him down. It doesn't work though, his scowling only deepens into more of a grimace.

“You said that ten minutes ago. How long am I going to have to wait?”

“Not much longer sir. I can assure you.”

“It feels like forever.”

He paces back and forth, muttering dark things under his breath. My attention is drawn away when Dean turns sharply towards me. He stops in front of me, glaring at me as he tries to intimidate me into compliance with whatever he wants of me. He takes my arms in an iron grip as he stares down at me, eyes narrow, teeth clenched tightly together as he glares through his narrowed eyes.

“This is all your damned fault, you bastard!” He growls through gritted teeth.

I raise my head slightly to meet his angry gaze, too tired and emotionally drained for another argument. I shake my head as a sign of resignation before resting my head back in my hands. I don’t want to fight anymore tonight. All I really want to do is lay down and pray that Lily makes a complete recovery or better off, take a nap and wake up from this nightmare.