“What’s up!” Christie asks from where she’s leaning against the kitchen counter watching me prepare dinner. I'm staying at her place for a few nights, as we catch up on the last few weeks. My mum is away on one of her business trips which we both know involves anything but business. My dad’s close friend, George, and my brother run the company while she enjoys the profits from it. Dean on the other hand is back off shore, only this time he's promised to be back in a few days.
I have the constant conflict between myself and my mom to thank for his change of heart. With how much time he's spending at home now, he could be retiring soon from his service to the country, if he hasn't started considering it already.
A smile crosses my face as I turn around to greet her with a grin. It's a near-permanent gesture these days. I mean, there's a whole lot to be happy about and by a whole lot, I mean Liam. He seems to be everything that's been missing in my life. It still amazes me how I've found love in the strangest of places.Liam of all people. The same man I loathed the very ground he walked on at one point several months ago, is now a big part of my life. And the reason for my happiness. The irony never fails to make me chuckle even now.
“I'm good, Christie. Just making dinner. You got home quite late tonight. Are you seeing someone?” I respond, pulling her into a warm hug.
“C’mon. It's just one night. There was a little traffic on my way back.”
“We both know you never take a bus home. You use the railway station. Think of a better excuse.”
“Fine.” She drawls, raising her hands in mock surrender. “You've got me. I went on a date.”
“Woah!” I gush, dropping the ladle to clutch my chest and hold my hand out. It feels like my heart is going to jump out of my ribcage. “How did it go? Tell me about him. No wait, when did you meet him? How did you guys meet? I want to know everything,” I babble on and on and Christie just laughs along at my antics. She really doesn't mind. It's not like she can keep secrets from me anyway.
“Okay, first things first,” she says after the initial rush of excitement subsides. She grabs the ladle and resumes stirring the soup on the fire. “I need to eat something. I’m starving.”
I cock a brow. “I thought you went on a date? Didn’t you eat something at the restaurant? Or was it….” I trail off, winking at her.
“Cleanse your mind, Lily. You know how I am on dates. I don’t eat too much so I don’t scare them off. I didn’t have an appetite either. The stress from work and all.”
“Poor thing. So tell me about him please?”
“Over dinner.”
“Please?” I insist, grabbing her arm and tugging.
“We’ll talk over dinner. If I spill the tea now, what are we gonna talk about later?”
“I’ll think of something.”
“No thanks, I’m exhausted. I need to take a shower and eat then we talk.Also, you haven’t told me much about how you and public enemy number one, Liam Denver got hooked up in a love story.”
“Hush,” I respond, placing a finger on her lips. “We’re still just friends. He’s not made any proclamations to me yet. I’ve told you a million times already.”
“Yeah. You’ve also mentioned how sweet he is a million times more already.”
“He is. I think I’ve finally hit the jackpot this time. With the least expected person. Would you believe that? Me and Liam?”
She appears to be deep in thought as her gaze drifts past me. “I don’t know. I’m happy for you but I really think you shouldn’t have your hopes up yet until he states his intentions clearly. Men can be, what’s the word again?…FICKLE. And you know that all too well.”
Leave it to Christie to be so brutally honest and knock the wind out of my sails.
“I guess.” I sigh dramatically.
“Looks like it’s too late for that anyway. You’ve fallen head over heels already.”
Christie laughs and gives me a quick peck on the cheek before she makes a move to exit the kitchen. I suddenly begin to feel very lightheaded and nauseous. A small, dull throbbing pulses behind my eyes and I feel like I’m going to be sick. That can’t be good. I’ve not been sick in ages yet suddenly, here I am feeling faint and dizzy. I try to shake it off and focus instead on preparing dinner but the feeling is so persistent, I find myself clinging onto the edge of the counter for support. The aroma, once inviting, now churns my stomach, and I clench my fists, fighting the urge to vomit.
“Are you ok,babe?” Christie asks as she walks back toward me, concern etched across her face. She reaches down and squeezes my shoulder. I can hear the worry seeping through her voice. “Hey, breathe. Let me check you.”
I nod, trying to calm my nerves, my breathing becoming shallower. Then, without warning, nausea takes hold of me again. The room seems to swirl slightly around me and my knees feel weak. Christie has to steady me before I fall to my knees.
“Lily, breathe. Come on. Focus on me. Take a deep breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Can you do that?”
Her voice starts sounding distant to me as the world goes black.
* * *