If you say anything about me getting excited at seeing a fair, I’ll kill you.”
“My lips are sealed.” I chuckle, raising my hands in mock surrender.Tossing my arm over her shoulder, I pull her against me and we walk to the entrance, where I pay for our tickets and then we’re ushered through by the attendant.
“Hope you like steak.” I laugh, nodding to the assortment of steak well... everything.
Her grin widens, and she looks up at me. “I happen to love steak. But, first, a proper meal. Greasy, lots of fatty goodness. Mmmm.”
I know exactly what to get her.
We make our way to the concession stand and get in line. Her eyes go wide when she sees the things listed on the menu.
“Oh my god. Boeuf Bourguignon? I’ve read so much about this dish?” I can practically see her drooling from here.
“Tastes heavenly. Never really liked bacon. I think I’ll go with the plain steak.”
She narrows her eyes, glaring daggers at me. Not the first time I’ll be getting that look because of my distaste for bacon. “I’ve always known you have such weird taste.”
“I like the taste of you.” I respond with a smirk that seems to irk her even more. There’s that priceless look on her face again and it brings a smile to my face.
She turns her attention away from me and scans through the menu in front of her again, chewing on her lip in deliberation, like it’s the hardest thing she’s ever had to decide.
“How about we order it all?” I laugh.
Her eyes dart to mine. “Don’t tempt me, Liam. I can eat a whole buffalo by myself right now.”
We finally make it to the front of the line, and then I proceed to order almost half the food on the menu, laughing when the woman working the register’s eyes go wide.
I shrug, pulling out my wallet. “My woman can eat.”
That earns me an elbow to the side. I don’t know why women are so worried about eating in front of a man. Because forme...There’s nothing sexier than seeing my lady eat. Nothing.Except for the sight of her naked, of course.
Lily and I sit at a picnic table on the side of the concession stand, and she looks around with a slight frown on her face. I trace her gaze to a couple with hands interlocked about to try out the Ferris wheel and I decide to do the same.
“Would you like us to try out the Ferris ride?”
“I’m scared of heights,” she responds.
“Really? I never thought the day would come that Lily Sanders would admit to being afraid of anything.”
“There are only a few things I’m scared of, trust me.”
“Not telling. I can’t have you taking advantage of me.”
“Right,” I drawl. “So, what do you say?”
“Aren’t we a little too old for such a thing?” She says with an irritated scowl.
“Who says?”
“C’mon. If anyone should be having cold feet, it should be me.” I say.
I cup her hands in mine. “I know you want to, and I’m more than willing to do anything you want to do that interests you.”
“Thanks, Liam.” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears but she blinks them away before they have a chance to fall.She opens her mouth to say something else, but they call our number at the stand, signaling our order is ready.