I drop my fork onto my plate, placing my elbows on the tabletop and resting my chin in my hands. “Are we seriously doing this? You’re gonna ruin a perfect evening?”

He shrugs. “I don’t want to. But if we’re going to have an amicable working relationship, I need to know what I might have done wrong in the past so I know how to make things as comfortable as possible for you.”

I sigh deeply, running my hands through my hair. It really isn’t fair that he’s got me cornered, especially since he’s clearly not going to stop pushing until I give him the answer he wants. How am I supposed to tell him that all the issues we have had, is because we had sex over six months ago and he jilted me?

And then there’s the fact he doesn’t even remember the things that happened that night. So what’s the use? It’s only going to create even more awkwardness that we can both do without, so I decide not to bring it up.

“Fine.” I mutter, pinching the bridge of my nose between two fingers. Finding the perfect lie will be much harder than I thought.

“I’m all ears.” He says eagerly, leaning forward as if expecting some sort of dramatic revelation.

A deep sigh escapes me. Here goes nothing.


“Nothing? Really?”

“Yeah. Nothing. Trouble making is what I do best. Nothing personal.” I respond, picking my fork up off the plate and stabbing viciously into the mashed potatoes on my dish. Liam narrows his eyes at me, giving me a questioning look.

“That’s ridiculous. I find that impossible to believe.”


“I don’t know. You don’t just suddenly decide to pick on someone you stumbled into at a food truck.”

I chuckle lightly. “Actually, I do. And if I remember correctly, you were quite the troublemaker yourself, remember?”


“So, let’s just say I hated that you got me triggered. I hated your attitude, your snarky comments and sarcastic responses. Your snide remarks and ever since all I’ve wanted is to pay you back in your own coin.”

“Fair enough,” he says, nodding his head slowly, contemplating my response. I can practically see the wheels turning in his brain. “I still can’t believe you called me short.”

“You made a mockery of my hair.”

“Only because you called me short.”

We both laugh softly at that, enjoying each other’s company without the slightest ounce of tension hanging between us anymore. It doesn’t take long for our laughter to die down, however, and I find myself unable to meet his eyes.

“So tell me, what do you think of my hair now?” He questions teasingly, gesturing toward himself.

“It’s good.” I say.

“Just good?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s okay. Now can I get back to my food?”

He laughs loudly, throwing his head back and holding his stomach.

“Of course.”

Silence fills the space once again, broken only by the sounds of clinking cutlery and soft music echoing throughout the hallways. The silence is deafening, leaving both me and Liam to our own thoughts. We eat and drink but I remain mostly quiet. Eventually, Liam’s phone begins vibrating and he excuses himself to answer it. He quickly leaves the table and strides into the foyer entrance down the long hall. After a few minutes, he walks back into the dining area, returning to his seat at the table. He takes a sip of wine, with a weird grin plastered across his face.

“Who was that?” I ask, glancing away from my plate to study his face. His dark eyebrows shoot upward and he chuckles quietly.

“You sound like a jealous girlfriend.” He teases.

“Jealous?” I scoff. “Don’t flatter yourself. Nevermind then, pretend I never asked.”