“Why do you care?” She asks me with narrowed eyes, and I frown and look away. That’s it. If I didn’t already, I’m starting to hate how defensive she is.How rude.So much for hoping for the best. I heave a sigh through my nose before responding with a halfhearted shrug. Again, the urge to keep the conversation going wins out over whatever negative emotion is swirling inside me and I force a weak smile.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that. I mean, look, it’s a damn typhoon outside and…well…we’re the only ones left here. The least we can do is keep each other company.” She stares daggers at me and doesn’t move a muscle so I add, “Plus, you don’t look too good. Having any troubles?”
And then she snaps. “Would you all leave me the fuck alone?! I just want to have some time to myself. It’s either my mom’s constant nagging, or you, or my brother, always trying to get into my business. It makes me sick!”
She breaks down into sobs, tears pooling down her cheeks as she holds herself up against the wall. I’m stunned. I never thought Lily Sanders would ever show vulnerability. Not to me at least. And yet here she is, bawling her eyes out.
Oh god, please stop crying, please stop crying, I think as I sit there frozen in my spot, unsure of what to do. She continues to sob and cry until she falls onto her knees and I snap out of my daze. I scramble from the chair and run over to help her up off the floor. The feel of her skin against mine as I pull her in for a hug is enough to send a rush of heat through my body, making my whole body warm despite the cool air blowing around us.
I feel myself leaning toward her. She smells like lavender, like honey and roses. This close, she smells intoxicating. And I’m drawn to it.What are you thinking, Liam? The woman needs comfort and you want to kiss her?!I scold myself.Get your head straight, man. Now is NOT the time to be acting weird. Don’t let your libido control you and ruin this moment.
We stay there for a while, neither of us saying anything for god knows how long until Lily pulls away and looks up at me. Her mascara has run down her face and she sniffles pathetically. She wipes her face off with the back of her hand.
“Thanks.” She whispers quietly, looking down at the floor and wiping more tears away. I nod mutely and she stands upright, brushing herself off. “I can’t believe I actually said that to you of all people.” She chuckles humorlessly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“It’s alright. Do you need someone to talk to? Anything you need to get off your chest? I’m right here.” The urge to wipe the tears off her face pops up but I ignore it. That would be pushing my luck.
When she looks up at me, the look on her face makes my heart melt. She looks absolutely miserable and her face pales further, if that’s even possible. She bites her lip nervously as she shakes her head, her hair falling down over her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. She walks over to the couch and plops down, pulling her legs up underneath her while I sit beside her. Her head lies down on her knees and she stares ahead blankly. For a while, we’re quiet. Until finally, she starts talking. “I’m sorry.” She mumbles in between sobs.
“Huh?” I say softly, feeling slightly bewildered. I wasn’t expecting her to apologize to me. Not in a million years. Tonight is turning out to be a night of surprises.
Lily turns around and looks at me with red rimmed, watery eyes, and smiles. “Don’t make me say it again please.”
I chuckle breathlessly and shake my head. She does seem to have gotten herself together now. “Okay, okay, I won’t do that. Go on,” I encourage her and lean forward, eager to hear whatever it is she wants to tell me.
She sighs heavily and runs her hands through her tangled curls once again as she stares at the ground. “I’m sorry I’ve been a thorn in your flesh from day one when all you’ve done is try to talk. It’s just—” She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, “—My family is a mess. It’s been a mess since my dad died. With my mom, there’s absolutely nothing I can do to make her love me and believe in me. No matter how hard I try. I thought getting a job here would help but nothing has changed. She still sees me as useless. I don't know why I even bother.”
The words come out in a flurry and she begins to weep again. I reach out and hold her hand. Her soft skin feels amazing against my palm. I don’t know what possesses me to do it but, somehow, my arm goes around her shoulder as I bring her closer towards me. She stiffens for a second but relaxes when I pull her closer.
“You shouldn’t beat yourself up so much. If she doesn’t appreciate the smart and beautiful daughter she has, then that’s on her, not you.”
Her hand slips away from mine as soon as I finish speaking. I retract my arm immediately and watch her intently to see her reaction. I don’t miss the way she flinches momentarily before forcing a smile. “Thanks. I know that, but it hurts anyways.”
“I understand. I lost my mother at a young age. I always felt that my dad blamed me for her death. There was always tension between us, even up until he passed away. So I know what it is like to live life without the love of your parents. Different situations but, I think I get it.”
“Thanks Liam. I just wish she would try to be a mother to me. I really wish she would. I got a call from my brother earlier, he said he had a conversation with her over lunch and tried to find out why she’s always at odds with me, and all he got was a lot of harsh blowback.” She hiccups before she reaches up to wipe at her snotty nose with her sleeve.
For the first time tonight, I feel sympathy for her. She must feel like an outsider, and the funny thing is, most times, I feel the same.
“I’m sorry.” I say sincerely, and she shrugs with a shaky smile and then sighs deeply.
“You shouldn’t be. I should be the one saying sorry for all the troubles I’ve caused you.”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” I say proudly.
I shake my head quickly and offer a small smile. “Besides, I actually do love your guts.”
She laughs at that and gives me a wide grin. A genuine wide smile. One that almost reaches her eyes and brings warmth into them. It’s quite possibly one of the most breathtaking things I have ever seen. I could stare at her forever and never get tired.
“Thank you.” She says in between giggles and I shake my head at her.
“You’re welcome.”
Silence envelops us once more for a minute or two before she stands up and dusts herself off. “Well… I better be going then. Thanks for listening.”
“Oh! It’s stopped raining. Yeah, we should get going.”
She cocks a brow. “We?”