“I can bet my entire net worth that you’ll lose your job soon. You’re just too incompetent.”

On another day, I would have been able to tell her to fuck right off, but today I wasn’t in the mood for confrontation or even verbal sparring. Instead, I chose to remain silent in favor of going through the motions of work. It was all I could do to keep from slamming her head down on the table. Ok, I won’t do that but I sure as hell want to.

Luckily, Liam is not in his office yet, so I’m thankful that I don’t have to deal with him. Another episode of anyone getting on my nerves and I might really throw a punch, something I doubt I would get away with. But, for now, I have to push it all aside and focus on getting Liam’s schedule for next week done. I keep my eyes fixed on the computer screen in front of me, while my mind continues to wander, until I hear footsteps approaching my cubicle.

“Hi,” says Liam as he sits down across from me. He has a smirk on his face when he notices that I am still staring at my monitor and typing furiously away, trying my best to ignore him. “Are you ok?” He asks after a moment.

For a second, I take my eyes off of my screen long enough to look up at him and raise an eyebrow, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Liam shrugs, “No reason, but you don’t look your usual self. Also..it’s unusual for you to be here so early and apparently, busy with work too.”

“You’re late. I’m only doing my job. Thanks for noticing.”

He cocks a brow. “But—”

I scoff, cutting him off before he can say anything further, “I’ve got a lot to do ‘sir’, if you don’t mind?”

“Alright.” He mutters. He doesn’t push the issue. He reveals the hand he’s been hiding behind him and places a paper bag in front of me. “I got you breakfast from Bake Shark. I hope you like it.”

Would he stop trying already? It’s becoming irritating. I sigh loudly, “Thanks…but no thanks.” I mumble without looking up.

“It’s just breakfast, Lily Sanders. You’re gonna reject that too? It cost me a lot of time and patience.” He winks at me, placing the paper bag in front of my computer. I fake a smile and return it to his end of the desk.

“I think the world would be a much better place if everyone minded their business.”

He gives me a pointed look, “C’mon, don’t be such a Debbie Downer. I’m just trying to be friends here. I would like to start fresh, despite all that’s happened in the past.”

I glare at him and continue typing, knowing he won’t let this go. If anything, he seems determined to get me to talk about whatever is bothering me. I’m fine with the idea, but then again, it’s none of his damn business anyway. I don’t owe him any explanations and I sure as hell don’t need him to be concerned about my life. My silence only serves to annoy him more.

Finally, he gets fed up with my attitude and crosses his arms over his chest, giving me an unimpressed look. After a second of intense scrutiny, he sighs and says, “You’re not gonna say anything?”

I huff and roll my eyes, “Nothing,” I say, “And I don’t need your pity. Just leave me alone.”

His jaw clenches tight in response to my cold words, “What is your problem? I’ve been trying hard to win your trust and friendship ever since you walked in those doors, but all you’ve done is give me the cold shoulder. Why are you acting like I did something wrong? What did I do to make you hate me so much?” He says with a concerned half smirk.

I scoff and look back towards the screen, refusing to dignify his questions with a proper answer. I didn’t ask for his friendship. I don’t want it either. So what’s the fuss about?

He paces back and forth in front of my desk, glaring at me every step of the way before finally stopping right before me and throwing his hands in the air, “Have it your way then.” He storms away, leaving me alone in my workspace.

I stare blankly at the screen for a few moments longer fighting back tears, all of these pent-up emotions threatening to spill over. Then finally giving in, I let loose the tears I had been trying to hold back and allow them to fall freely.



dammit. Turns out choosing to work on a painting at the gallery was a bad idea, now I’m stuck here alone during this thunderstorm, and the lights are flickering. The day seemed to fly by after my earlier brush with Lily, and that pretty much set the tone for a bad day. I just don’t get it.

Every attempt I make to get closer to her—for work reasons of course—ends up being met with coldness and hostility, and now I’m done trying. I’m getting to my limits gradually, and as soon as I can’t tolerate the strain anymore, I’ll dismiss her. That would be much better for both our sakes. Good riddance.

I sit, eyes strained on my phone as I try to find some way to pass time, because I have no idea what else to do. My back hurts from sitting in the uncomfortable wooden chair for so long and the growling from my stomach only makes it worse. A sigh escapes my lips as I take a glance at the clock at the other end of the room.10pm. Shit. I’ve not been at the gallery at this hour since my early days.

The door to the restroom clicks open, almost making me jump from my seat in fright. I thought I was the only one left in the building, but apparently not. Lily walks into the lobby, stopping dead in her tracks, when she notices me staring at her. I clear my throat, bracing myself for another awkward conversation. Should I or should I not? I could act like she’s not there but for some reason, I feel the urge to talk to her.

“Hi!” I smile and wave awkwardly at her. She says nothing at first as she searches her bag for something but eventually looks up at me with a startled expression on her face.

“You scared the shit out of me.” She breathes and I laugh nervously as I scratch behind my neck.

“Sorry about that.” I apologize quickly before we both fall silent again. After a few seconds, I clear my throat and give an uneasy smile. “Uh…Why are you still here?” It sounds awkward even to my own ears and I cringe inside. But I force myself to go with the flow. Hope for the best and expect the worst. Hopefully, we can get by without her being a pain in the ass as always.