He’s got that right. But it can’t happen. Her sore attitude and the fact that she’s Dean’s sister makes it impossible. We’d be lucky to get past a day without getting at each other’s throats, never mind hooking up. Not a chance.

“She does. But it’s not happening.”

“Why?” He asks, genuinely curious.

“She’s my friend’s sister. Dean and I go way back. I can’t afford to ruin our friendship.”

“Nonsense.” He waves me off and downs his whiskey. “If you’re good friends like you say you both are, then he should be more than happy to let you have her. Who’s better to date your sister than your own friend, who you can trust?”

Fair point.But I’m a flirt, a playboy and my reputation precedes me. Dean is more likely to trust a complete stranger than trust me.I think to myself. Somehow, the realization leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

I heave a sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “Look mate. We don’t get along too well. She’s got this attitude about her and though I’m trying to be patient with her, I don’t see us ever getting friendly with each other.”

“Why is that?”

“Why is…what?”

“Have you ever considered why she might be giving you such a hard time?”

I frown, running my fingers through my hair. What an odd question.

“No. I haven’t. The first time we met at a restaurant, she ended up stealing my order and running off with it—”

“She did what?” Harry says, fighting to contain his laughter.

“You heard right. Just this morning, she tossed my paintings in the trash can and called them garbage.”

Fuck! I shouldn’t have said that. I regret my loose tongue the instant those words leave my mouth. With the amount of whiskey I have coursing through me right now, it’s a miracle I haven’t spilled the passwords to my bank accounts already. I should probably stop drinking so much.

Harry’s laughter is full blown now, tears streaming down his face as he tries desperately not to collapse onto the ground in laughter.

“Have you had enough?” I ask him seriously, trying to suppress my smirk.

“No! Oh God! That was hilarious! I’ll never forget this Liam!” His laughter dies slowly down and he stops giggling for air. He’s wiping his tears away with the sleeves of his jacket. “I think you should try and be friends with her. I think your reputation is the barricade between the both of you right now.”

My brows furrow, the gears turning in my mind. “What do you mean?”

A smile appears on his lips. I think he’s amused by the situation somehow. Which means I must look completely dumbfounded. “I mean she thinks you’re a player. And well, you’ve got every charm a man could ask for. You don’t make it easy to not fall for you man. So my guess is all of this–the attitude, the cold shoulders, the snarky comments–it’s all in a bid to make sure you two never get close enough for her to feel anything for you.”

That’s smart. The smartest thing anyone has said to me in ages. I once read somewhere that alcohol imbues its users with wisdom that they don’t possess normally. Couldn’t be any truer.

“What do you suggest I do then?”

Harry shrugs. “Talk to her, Don’t try to flirt with her. Just try to be decent, ok?”

“Fine. I’ll try that out.”

“You’re welcome.” He winks, raising his empty glass in mock salute. “And don’t forget to thank me when she finally lets you hit.”

“Not happening.”

I laugh lightly and finish my drink. My thoughts begin to swirl around in my head as I ponder the possibility that I might become friends with Lily. It sounds ridiculous. But it would be nice wouldn’t it?



It’s another day to walk around with a cloud hanging over my head. As hard as I try, I can’t shake off the memory of what happened at home with my mom. Even with the efforts I put in to ensure we rarely cross paths, I guess it’s somewhat inevitable since we’re living in the same house. Maybe it’s high time I moved out of the house, to Christie’s on a more permanent basis—or maybe at least until I can afford someplace else. Her words ring in my ears as I take my place behind my desk: