“You never asked.” She replies softly. I watch as her lips twist up into a slight smile, which makes my dick twitch.

“My mistake. Can I get your name Miss?….” Her eyebrows raise in curiosity and I mentally curse myself for sounding so awkward. Damn the alcohol for stealing all my smoothness.

“Emma. Call me Emma.” She says in a soft southern accent.

“Well then, Emma, I’m Liam Denver.”

“Oh, everyone knows you.”

Fair point. I am popular after all.

“Great then. So tell me, what do you do for fun aside from bartending?”

She takes a sip of her drink, her gaze drifting around the room briefly. “Mostly read. Not really much else.”

“Not much else, huh? I would say you would make a good fit as a model, you know?” I take another gulp of my own whiskey hoping to cool my libido. Unfortunately for me, it doesn’t work.

She stares at me as though unsure if I’m joking. Probably should let up on the flirting, but that’s my best gift, after painting of course. I feel a sudden grip on my shoulder and whirl around, only to see Harry, my friend standing behind me, the lights behind him casting shadows across his face.

“You’re doing a terrible job at wooing her my friend. She looks bored to death.” He whispers as his eyes trail back up towards where Emma sits. I should gouge them out for that.

I met Harry at an art exhibition. With our mutual interest in art and of course women, we hit it off almost immediately. Now, we’re drinking buddies. And I owe it to him that I’ve been able to make it back home on many nights. Lord knows I would either have gotten robbed, arrested or kidnapped on many nights already.

“Back from the restroom I see? I was beginning to think you had run away.” I tease him jokingly. He shoots me a dirty look but doesn’t bother replying verbally. “She’s digging me. Aren’t you Emma?”

Emma smiles at me, her blue eyes twinkling and her full pink lips curving up beautifully. She says nothing but shrugs and I read that as a yes.

“What were we talking about again?” I ask her, leaning forward over my half finished whiskey.

“I really wish I could stay but I’ve got customers,” she explains. She stands up from the stool, her dress clinging tightly to her body and my mouth goes dry as I watch her place a few strands of hair behind her ear. “It was nice talking with you Liam.”

“Would we be having you back when you’re done?” Harry asks.

Her cheeks flush red and she looks away briefly. She answers quickly, probably too quickly. “Probably not. I hate to break it to you but I’m engaged.”

She brandishes her ring finger at me and my already dry mouth turns to sandpaper.

Harry raises his glass in salute while I just sit silently staring down at the floor, my brain scrambling in its search for a way to salvage my night. That hurt much more than any heartbreak ever could. I watch as she saunters across the bar, her hips swaying from side to side as she walks back to the counter.

“That didn’t go well at all, did it?” Harry laughs beside me.

Shaking my head numbly, I manage to mutter, “No. It didn’t.”

Harry sighs sadly before standing up. I follow suit. “So, tell me about the new lady at the office.”

I cock a brow. “You mean Lily?”

He leans back into his chair, a smug grin on his lips. “Yeah. How was her first day at work?”


I lie. But I can’t tell him she called my paintings trash. He’d never let me hear the end of it.

“Gotten up in her guts yet?” He continues.

I stare at him. “No. Why would you ask such a question?”

“C’mon Liam. You’re a flirt who can’t keep his dick in his pants. We both are. And Lily more than fits into the description of a classic, sexy temptress.”