Lily whips around, hair flying wildly around her head. “Hey!” She says, her cheeks flushed completely unaware of the effect she’s just had on me. My dick is still hard from the memory of her ass and I’m pretty sure the bulge is starting to show. This woman will be the death of me. When I said thrill, I didn’t mean this much.

I clear my throat, hoping to regain control of myself. “Um, morning Lily. What are you doing?”

She hops back on her feet, flashing a warm smile in my direction. God, if looks could kill. I would be long gone. I’m pretty sure I’ve never come across anything more attractive in my entire life, and I’ve seen a lot of attractive women. “Morning Liam. You’re late.”

Her smile disappears, replaced by a stern expression. She crosses her arms across her chest, looking almost intimidating.

Ok, I must have missed the memo or something. I used to be the boss around here. I didn’t sign a document handing over the business over to her in my drunk state, did I?

“Yeah, I am. Had a couple of things to settle. Again, what are you doing?” I ask, ignoring how my cock is starting to get restless.

Lily turns away again, busying herself by tidying up my workspace. Weird, to say the least. Seeing her clean my office is the last thing I imagined her doing after our conversation yesterday but whatever works.

“Your office was a complete mess. So I took out the trash. You’re welcome.” She says, gesturing at the entire space.

What the fuck!By trash, she meant some of my sample artwork. I look around quickly and can see there’s like five of them missing and they’re my favorites. All my best samples.

“Are you crazy?” I exclaim, stepping forward so quickly I almost fall over. “Those paintings you took out could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. What did you do with them?”

She snorts, leaning against my desk. “I never knew people would pay so much for garbage.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Did you just call my art... garbage?”

She rolls her eyes before crossing her arms once more and sticking her chin up defiantly. “Yes. What’s the fuss about? I wouldn’t pay half a cent for those pieces of crap.”

I draw a deep breath, trying not to blow a fuse. I should be pissed off at having someone call my work trash, but somehow I’m not so mad. Instead I kind of find it amusing.

“Beauty does lie in the eye of the beholder. It’s your fault if you can’t see it.”

The sound she makes at the back of her throat is drop dead derisive. “I would have to be blind to see this one.”

“Right,” I say sarcastically. My head still throbs as I walk around my desk so I can sit down in my chair. Any more second standing and I just might pass out. “I would like to have my paintings right where they were before you did whatever you did.”

Lily gives me a look, eyebrows raised. “If we’re gonna be working together, you’re gonna need to—“

That does it. I’ve had enough. I hold up a hand to silence her. “First off, Lily Sanders–We’re not co-workers. You’re my employee. You’re onmypayroll. You have no right to walk into my office and make changes without my consent. Neither are you allowed to call my work trash or garbage. Is that clear?”

She doesn’t flinch. She just stares at me with this infuriatingly calm expression on her face. For a second, I think she’s actually going to tell me to screw off but then she nods once, sharply.

“Crystal clear. My apologies.”

“Great. Now where are they?”

Now I feel bad for yelling, but damn if I’m letting a girl—let alone my employee— talk to me like that, best friend’s sister or not. So I take the opportunity to try and put my foot down a little. Just enough to keep her in line, so to speak.

Lily smirks at me, her lips twitching ever so slightly upwards before turning away. I can’t tell whether it’s an attempt at humor or a grimace.

“They’re in the storeroom. But if you want them back, you’re gonna need to get them yourself.” She walks to the exit, opens the door and pauses. “I’ll be at my desk if you need me.”

Then she’s gone, leaving me sitting in my office in disbelief.

* * *

The rest of the day flies past with me barely seeing Lily. Or rather, both of us making conscious efforts to evade each other. For someone who’s usually clear and in control of his feelings, I can’t quite pin down what I feel for Lily.

On one hand, I find her extremely attractive. If she wasn’t Dean’s younger sister, I would be pulling out all the stops to get her into bed. But as it is, I don’t want to do anything that might ruin my relationship with Dean. Then there’s the other part of me that finds her quite annoying with her penchant for getting on peoples nerves—my nerves in particular. Well, right now those nerves are being calmed by a glass of whiskey after another particularly boring day at work, and my new favorite bartender. The bar is quite empty tonight so I had little trouble getting her to join me for a drink, this time without the damned counter between us. With any luck—which I sure have in abundance—there would be no clothes or distance between our bodies tonight either.

“You never told me your name?” I ask as I set the glass of whiskey in front of us. My eyes rake over the length of her bare arm resting against the wooden top. Damn, she’s beautiful. A perfect curve with smooth pale skin and delicate bones, perfectly sculpted arms…I need to stop thinking like that before I lose my mind. I’m a lost cause, I know.