She cocks a brow. “He is?”
Curse the alcohol. How come I still even remember? I nod, trying not to cringe. “Yeah, we had sex that night. I know you know that but I left out a crucial part.”
“What part?”
“He left me a note the following morning and disappeared before I woke up.GOOD SEX BUT I’VE HAD BETTER.”
“Ouch! That must have hurt?”
I raise my shoulders in a half shrug. “It did. But I did get payback. We met not too long ago at a food truck. I sort of stole his order and ran off with it.”
The memory is a funny one. But it doesn’t make up for the shame I felt that night after we hooked up. Shit! I’m gonna make him pay, starting tomorrow.”
“Not bad. But knowing you, I know you’re not satisfied.”
No one knows me better than Christie does. That’s for damn sure. “I’m not so sure yet. But you can bet, I’m gonna make sure he gets exactly what he deserves, one way or another.”
She leans back in her seat, smiling. “You do need the job though.”
“I could keep my job and make him pay.”
“Do you think he remembers?”
“No idea. Really, I couldn’t care either. All I care about is revenge.”
She nods slowly, then smiles brightly. “Alright. I’ve saved up enough to get you out of jail if I need to. Go break a leg, babe.”
I can’t help but laugh, almost choking on the ice cream in my mouth. Christie is such a dork. “Thanks but I won’t need to.”
She grins cheekily. “I don’t know but this has the makings of an enemy turned lovers story written all over it. More like Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sheffield…but the note action is giving Carrie Bradshaw and Jack Berger,” she chuckles.
“Oh, fuck off.” I say, shaking my head. “Not in this life, or the next.”
Christie rolls her eyes playfully. “Sure, honey. Whatever you say. I’m gonna be here to say I told you so when it all happens.”
“Not in your life either. Oh and I might need to stay at your place for a while. Not on talking terms with my mom. Turns out she doesn’t think I would be able to handle the job and I didn’t hesitate to tell her to kiss my ass.”
“You did?”
“Not in literal terms but I can’t stand her anymore. At least for now until I get my first paycheck and shove it down her throat.”
“Fine by me. My house is yours and Liam’s. Just in case you too need to…you know..” She giggles.
I glare at her. “Give it a rest.”
“Alright. But again, I’ll be here to say I told you so.”
Me and Liam? Together? No chance. I would rather eat glass. Or cut off my tongue. Or both. Or become a fucking nun!
It’s Lily’s first day working as my personal assistant. The thought alone makes me smile a little. Of course we’ll have our moments, but on the whole, I can’t help but feel a little ecstatic about having her around. You can say the gallery has lacked any sort of thrill or excitement, and if there’s one thing Lily brings to the table, it’s a certain thrill.
My legs carry me as fast as they can to my office. I’m about one hour late today. One drink turned into two, then three, then four and then many more last night and I had ended up sleeping really late. Don’t judge me though. When the bartender is a pretty blonde and a good conversationalist you tend not to notice the time. Her eyes kinda had this allure to them and I was more than a willing participant in their seduction. I finally managed to drag myself from under their spell, or rather I got dragged off the floor by my friend, Harry at around midnight. Thank goodness he was around. Lord knows I would have never made it home otherwise.
My head is still pounding with alcohol as I swing open the door to my office. The sight in front of me is well… unexpected. There’s Lily, bent over my desk with her ass facing me.Well, that’s some way to start your day. It takes me a moment to register what I am seeing with the alcohol still numbing my senses somewhat, but when I do, I can’t help but let out an embarrassing snort.