Christie gives me an incredulous look, and plops herself down at the kitchen table. “Terrible. Someone reminded me never to agree to having the rest of the girls around on short notice. Never mind short notice, we should never have them around ever again.”
I snort, pouring ice cream into two bowls. I grab a handful of toppings and dump them on both, along with a generous helping of chocolate sauce. My heart feels lighter already as I pass her one bowl and take the other for myself. It tastes heavenly. “You mean you didn’t know they were showing up too?”
“Well…” she begins hesitantly, scooping up some ice cream and bringing it to her lips. “I only got to know the night I told you about it. I was against the idea but I felt it would have been rude to refuse to have them over. We were good friends back at the university after all.”
My anger simmers and melts away almost immediately. I might have stabbed her right there if she had known about it earlier without informing me. “It’s fine. I’m not mad.”
She stops eating suddenly. The spoonful of ice cream dangling from her hand drops back into her bowl. “You were…very mad..actually..”
“Of course I was. Like why the fuck would you agree to have them over when you know my relationship with them has never been the best especially with Jessica?”
“I’m sorry. I just couldn’t turn them down. At least for old times sake.”
“It’s alright.” I try my hardest to sound as nonchalant as possible. But my insides as memories of the weekend rewind in my head. I’ll never know how I managed to keep my cool despite Annabelle’s insults. But I’m glad I did. As much as I hate to admit it, a brawl with her would have left me with more than enough bruises and injuries to last me a lifetime. I pick up the pizza box with one hand and hold my ice cream with the other before scooting off to the living room.
Christie follows after me, sitting down on the couch across from me. I open the pizza box, removing the lid and placing it between us. “Want some?” I offer, pushing a slice towards her. “It’s pretty good.”
Christie takes a bite, her eyes widening. “Holy shit, this stuff is amazing.”
I laugh. “I know.”
I shove some of my own piece into my mouth, relishing the flavor. After swallowing, I continue. “I want to ask how the rest of the weekend went but I’m pretty sure it was a bummer.”
Christie sighs. “You have no idea. The girls were absolutely awful and I couldn’t stand their condescending tone. Annabelle wouldn’t stop bickering about her stand off with you and —“
I interrupt her mid sentence with a loud groan. “I don't really want to know. You’ll only ruin my good mood.”
Christie laughs softly, reaching for another slice. “Someone’s in high spirits. Got anything you want to tell me?”
“Not much.”
“Spill!” She insists, mock threatening me with her dessert spoon. “I need details.”
I shake my head, laughing. “I— got— a—job.” I stutter through a mouthful of pizza and ice cream.
“What!” Christie nearly chokes on her food, staring wide eyed at me. “When?! Where? Why didn’t you tell me?”
I finish chewing and swallow my second slice, licking my teeth clean of any extra topping residue. “Today, actually. I told you about it the other night. At the art gallery.”
“I’m so happy for you. We should toast to this.”
“Nah. I’m not so excited.”
“My boss is an asshat. A complete fucking asshole.”
Christie lets out a small laugh. “What happened?”
“He’s Liam fucking Denver. New York’s hottest flirt.”
“Oooh. That sounds interesting,” Christie smirks devilishly. “He’s hot. I don’t see what’s not to like about him.”
I let out a frustrated growl. “Everything. Plus, we’ve got history.”
Her smirk turns into a soft smile as she leans forward, resting her forearms on the coffee table. “What do you mean history?”
Christie sure knows how to milk the tea out of me and I’m in the right mood to spill. I cross my legs in front of me and sit back in my chair, taking a moment to gather my thoughts. “You probably don’t remember but we met him at the bar after my breakup with Matt. He’s the one you sold me out to.”