“Of course. If I’m gonna hire you, I need to know your motivation.”
She squints her eyes at me suspiciously then suddenly breaks into a big grin and starts laughing. When the laughter subsides, she looks at me and replies with a sly grin. “Don’t worry. I’ve got zero interest in you. You’re not my type.”
Ouch! Another sucker punch right in the gut. She’s got a knack for those.
“What’s your type then?” I ask, leaning forward.
Her eyes flicker down to her cup of juice and she gives me a thoughtful hum. Then she slowly lifts her head back up, takes another sip, and speaks again. “Anyone that’s not Liam Denver.”
“Good one. You still haven’t answered my question though. What’s your motivation?”
“Again, it doesn't matter. I just need to prove to myself and a few folks that—” She breaks off with a huff. “C‘mon. I really need this job, please.” She pouts and gives me her impression of puppy dog eyes. A genuine look of pleading. I should find it cute or adorable but instead, it’s something else. Something that shoots down my groin causing my dick to jerk in response. I shake my head trying to push the feeling away.
“You need me, you know. So what are you thinking about? You should be jumping at the chance to have me work with you.” She adds.
With that attitude, not a chance.That would be my answer if I didn’t find her persona and appearance quite intriguing. My eyes slowly glide down to her long legs and then slide slowly up her body, stopping just above her stomach. I let my gaze linger on her cleavage which is perfectly visible through her shirt before moving up to meet her intense gaze once more. I raise my eyebrow, feeling slightly embarrassed that she has caught me checking her out.
“Fine.” I manage, feeling oddly disconnected from my own voice. This could end up all sorts of wrong but I guess it’s worth a shot.
Her entire demeanor changes instantly from smug and confident to excited and relieved. “Okay great. You won't regret it. I promise.”
“I hope.” I whisper under my breath.
I watch as she stands and walks away. My eyes stay fixed on her hips and ass as she saunters her way across the room and out of my office. A slight frown settles on my face and I shake my head. I really don’t know what’s gotten into me. Get a hold of yourself! What is happening to you?
“Hey Lily!” I call after her, watching her turn around to face me with a confused expression.
“Your manner of attire..” I swallow thickly. Her cleavage is distracting. There is no way I can concentrate with that view right in front of me.
“What about it?” She asks, smiling broadly.
I look away from her breasts quickly, feeling the heat creep into my cheeks. “Something more appropriate would be better, if you’d be working‘with’me.”
“Aye aye, Captain!” She says, saluting me with a wink before turning back towards the door.
As far as interviews go, that couldn’t have gone any better and I can’t wait to tell Christie all about it. It’s been three days since ‘that night’ and I couldn’t care less about how the rest of the weekend went. All I know is the girls are gone and I can finally have my best friend all to myself again. I’ve got ice cream and a few groceries as well as picked up a large pizza for the perfect girls night.
Lugging the overstuffed paper bag filled with ice cream and groceries against my hip, I swear this bag has developed a vendetta against me. The ice cream is chilling my side, and not in a good way. On the other hand, the pizza box in my free hand feels like a brick ready to start a new life as a paperweight.
I finally reach Christie’s front porch, and the four measly steps might as well be Everest. My legs, already tired from a long day, protest every step like drama queens. The paper bag is threatening to give up on life, its corners surrendering to my sweaty palm.
I'm practically begging the pizza box not to pull a vanishing act, and my fingers are barely on speaking terms with the bag anymore. Taking a deep breath, I psych myself up and summon all my strength. It's now or never. The ice cream, the ultimate escape artist, is edging closer to freedom with every wobbly step. The corners of the bag have become as dependable as a wet paper towel. If I don't make it inside soon, we're looking at a meltdown of epic proportions.
Luckily, Christie opens the door before anything catastrophic happens. She greets me enthusiastically, but the smile on her face quickly fades once she notices the groceries. Her brow furrows in concern. "You alright?"
"Of course I’m not.” I grumble, struggling with the heavy load. “Are you gonna stand there and watch me struggle? Or help me out?”
She crosses her arm on her chest, a sly grin on her face. “I think I enjoy watching you struggle.”
Rolling my eyes at her, I put the bags down on the floor and push past her with the pizza box in tow. Christie follows close behind, still chuckling at my expense. “You’re no fun these days.” She says, the sole of her shoes clomping onto the hardwood floors as she trails after me into the kitchen.
I take a long look at her. There is so much I want to say. So many things I need to get off my chest. Knowing myself, I’ll probably just ramble endlessly anyway. So I settle for an easygoing conversation starter. “How was your weekend?”