The men start shouting at each other, their words overlapping so I can't sort out any of it, especially when Callum spouts Gaelic phrases.

I slam my hands down on the tabletop. "Quiet!"

Hugh and Callum freeze with their mouths open, their complaints lodged in their throats.

"That's better." I keep my palms on the table and glance at each man in turn. "Since you two seem incapable of articulating your grievances like rational adults, I'll tell you what your problem is."

Hugh lifts one brow. "You make it sound like we both share the same issues."

"Of course you do. Now shut up and listen." I straighten, eying the pair of them with what I hope seems like a determined expression. I'm starting to feel like a schoolteacher stuck with two bickering boys. "Callum, you are jealous of Hugh."

The Brit smirks.

"Don't get cocky yet, Lord Jackass," I say. "Because you are jealous of Callum too."

"What? You're off your trolley."

"Callum, tell Hugh exactly why you envy him." When Callum gives me a mulish look, I lean in to stare into his eyes from an inch away. "You know what I mean, so do it. Tell him the truth."

Chapter Thirty-One


I love Kate, but she has lost her mind today. Tell Hugh what I think of him? That won't help, so there's no point in doing what she wants. Maybe I have been sort of, slightly, only a wee bit jealous of him. Hugh always gets the girl. That was what I believed for a long time, so I assumed Kate would go for him and not me, even after we had sex. But she chose me.

Why am I still fashed about Hugh? I should be over it now that I've recognized my issues—or whatever rubbish psychologists call it.

"Tell him," Kate repeats. She lowers her voice to barely a whisper and adds, "Please do this for me."

Cannae say no to Kate.

So I clear my throat and gaze at the space just to the left of Hugh. "You always get the girl, and I've been feeling, ah, sort of off my game when you're around."

"You've been feeling impotent."

"No, I am not—Bod an Donais. It's still my turn to tell you what a raging erse you are."

"Fine. Have at it."

"I used to like going to clubs with you to meet lasses, but lately, all you care about is getting women into your bed."

"What has that got to do with anything?"

I shake my head. "You've changed. We used to have fun together, but now I feel like I cannae tell ye anything. All you want to do is shag women and pretend you're having a brilliant time. When you went after Kate, it had nothing to do with her. You were trying to prove you're still Lord Steamy."

"Pretend? I do not need to deceive anyone. I'm so sorry that you have less luck with the ladies than I do, but that's not my problem."

Kate claps her hands twice. "Your turn, Hugh. Tell Callum what's bothering you."

"It's bloody obvious."

"So tell him."

Hugh leans back in his chair, chin lifted. "You swore you didn't even like Kate, that she was a harpy. Then you shagged her behind my back. You lied to me."

"Not on purpose. I didn't know I was attracted to Kate. It just…happened."

Kate smacks her palms on the tabletop. "Stop making this about me. If you want to go inside to discuss this in private, that's fine. But Callum, you need to be honest with Hugh about why you feel inadequate."