"Yes, it is." I give him another shove. "Get moving."

He warps his mouth into an irritable slant but starts striding across the room.

Though I should be watching how he walks, I can't stop staring at his toned ass. Oh yeah, sex with him could be amazing. I mean, with all those muscles… But no, I can't get naked with him.

So I focus on watching his knee, the way he moves it and how much he limps. His warm-up on the stationary bike seems to have limbered him up, and the longer he walks, the less he hobbles. When he turns around and ambles back to me, I pat his shoulder. "Good job. I don't think your knee is as bad as you think. Maybe it's partly psychosomatic."

"Are you claiming I imagined injuring myself?"

"No. I'm saying there might be a psychological component to your physical problem."

"That's bollocks."

"We'll see." I grasp his upper arm to urge him to come with me to the area where I've set things up for his physical therapy session. We end up standing beside a foam mat that I had spread out on the floor earlier. "Lie down. It's time for straight leg raises."

For once, he doesn't grouse. Callum lies down on the mat and follows my instructions for this exercise, doing two repetitions of ten stretches each. I turn sideways to him so I can watch how he moves his leg and count the reps for him. He makes a face when I do that, but he doesn't say anything.

I swear he's ogling my ass, though. His lips kink up the tiniest bit at the corners.

No sex with Callum. No way.

Chapter Three


Kate Wagner tortured me today. That woman is a menace, and she shouldn't be allowed to give any kind of therapy to anyone. Psychosomatic? What a load of bollocks. I didn't imagine I sprained my knee, and if that's what she thinks, then I need a different therapist. There's no way in hell I'm letting that she-demon root around in my brain. She'll probably try to convince me I have a serious mental defect just so she can make more money off my brother's misguided generosity.

But I know Kate will harass me even more on Wednesday if I don't try at least one wee thing she demanded I do. I decide to call Hugh Parrish, my best mate. But before I can do that, my mobile rings. I barely get to say hello before the caller starts talking, but I would've recognized Alex Thorne's British voice even if he weren't married to my cousin Catriona.

"Good afternoon, Callum," he says. "I've rung to warn you. The American Wives Club is mobilizing."

"To do what?"

"Help you, of course. Once those lovely lasses have set their sights on a goal, there's no stopping them."

"I donnae need help." Especially not from the American wives of my brother and our cousins. I love those women, but they need to have more bairns to keep them busy, so they'll stop harassing the single men in the family. "Tell Cat to call off the dogs, Alex. My life doesn't need fixing."

Maybe it does, but that's none of anyone's business. Besides, the American Wives Club specializes in engineering romance, and I do not need that sort of meddling.

"I wouldn't order Catriona to stop meddling even if I could," Alex says. "Maybe I appreciated it slightly when those luscious ladies interfered in my life. At any rate, the train has already left the station."

"Enough rubbish metaphors, Alex."

Underneath the snarky attitude, Alex is a good bloke. And he's warning me about the latest meddling scheme, so I can't get too annoyed with him. A wee bit will do.

"All right," he says. "No more metaphors. But you know you can't stop the American Wives Club. And I hear the British Branch is mobilizing too."

"To do what? They're in England. Are they planning to send me emails ordering me to find a girlfriend?"

"No," Alex says with a chuckle. "They're plotting an invasion."

Maybe I'm thickheaded today because I still don't understand. "Invasion of what?"

"Scotland." Alex lowers his voice to almost a whisper. "They're coming for you, mate."

Coming? To Scotland? No, they can't do that. Their husbands won't let them. Aye, because men have such cracking luck talking women out of interfering in…anything.

"Well, I've warned you," Alex says. "Cheers, Callum."