Despite the cars in the driveway, we don't see another human being—not when we enter the vestibule, not when we search the downstairs, and not on the upper floors either. We return to the ground floor to discuss our next move.

"Where could they be?" I ask. "Do you think they went into the wine cellar? Or maybe the garden?"

"They're probably burying the body."

Despite his neutral expression, I know he's joking. Over the past few weeks, I've come to understand his micro-expressions. If his lips kick up the teeniest bit at the corners, and they also twitch ever so slightly, that means he's "having me on" as the Scots and Brits would say. Yes, Callum can do deadpan better than anybody I know. But I've spent a lot of time with him in the nude. There's nothing like seeing each other au naturel to give a couple super intimate knowledge of each other. No secrets when you're having sex.

"Very funny," I say. "But seriously, where do you think they've gone?"

"Cannae be the garden. I could see the whole thing when we were on the third floor." He lodges his hands in his pants pockets. "But I couldn't see the green. We should check there."

"Okay." I start to walk, then stop. "You don't think they're doing anything, um, overly macho to Hugh, do you?"

He chuckles. "Overly macho? Aye, that's the MacTaggart way. They're probably teaching Hugh how to toss cabers."

"I would've thought you already taught him that."

"No, Hugh didn't want to participate in the Highland games. He said it was 'barmy beyond belief,' and then he started calling himself Lord Sommerleigh, which always means he's harassing us."

"He invokes his title to be sarcastic."


We make our way outside, through the beautiful walled garden, out the door, and onto the green.

I see a much smaller crowd than last week when we had the radical intervention. Jack is here, along with his cousins Iain, Logan, and Aidan. Kirsty and her fiancé Luke have also turned up. At the far end of the green, I notice Damian Petrescu and his wife, Heidi, lying naked on a pair of lawn chaises.

Hugh stands with the MacTaggart men, and they seem to be having an intense conversation, based on their expressions. Hugh keeps nodding as if he's agreeing with whatever the others have said.

Callum and I approach the men.

Hugh smiles when he sees us. "Finally decided to check on the prisoner, eh?"

"You've stayed here voluntarily," Callum says. "I guess that means you've been initiated into the cult."

"My brain has been thoroughly washed. Nothing else explains why I've stayed here at a medieval castle with a bunch of surly Scots." He affects an exaggerated grimace as he waves toward the other end of the green. "And a pair of nudists. Yes, I have been brainwashed for sure."

"What have you boys been doing out here?" I ask. "Doesn't look like Highland games."

Logan chuckles. "No, we're teaching Hugh how to not be acacananymore."

"Donnae listen to him," Iain says. "We're instructing Hugh in the art of Zen."

"That's whatyouare doing," Logan tells Iain. "I'm getting ready to beat some sense into the laddie. There's nothing like a good skelping to straighten a man out."

Aidan raises his hands, palms out. "Donnae look at me. I'm here for the haggis Mrs. Brody is making for dinner."

Jack shakes his head, smiling at his cousins' antics. "What we're really doing here is advising our new mate on how to become the man he wants to be instead of the playboy he used to be."

If anyone can help him, it's the MacTaggarts. They are the best bunch of men and women I've ever met, besides my family. Soon, my parents and my siblings will arrive in Scotland since Kirsty and Luke have invited them to the wedding. Damian Petrescu says his parents will come too, as well as his brother and his sister-in-law. Everyone tells me Monica Petrescu is a real character, a proud gypsy who loves to play the flamboyant fortune teller.

My life will never be boring again.

The next day, everyone arrives for the pre-wedding festivities. My parents both hug Callum and treat him like they've known him forever instead of just having met my fiancé. My sister kisses his cheek and babbles silly romantic stuff about how Callum and I are "soul mates," while my brother slaps him on the back and says the usual guy stuff. Callum takes it all in stride and even teases my family the way he does with his own clan.

I think my family has fallen for him just like I did.

Even when we introduce my family to the MacTaggarts, everybody gets along and laughs together.