He's British like Hugh. I already figured that out thanks to Jack's introduction, but hearing Alex's accent confirms it. I shake Alex's hand, then lean forward to see the other Brit. "Good morning, Hugh."

"Have you met my wife?" Alex asks me. When I shake my head, he waves toward the brunette across the table. "This is Catriona Thorne, formerly Catriona MacTaggart. She's the sister of the Three Macs."

"The who now?"

Alex chuckles. "The Three Macs. That's what we call Lachlan, Rory, and Aidan. Their cousin Iain invented the nickname because he said they're like a wee Scottish mafia."

"I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Catriona."

She smiles. "Aye, it's wonderful to meet you too. I'm so happy Callum found the right woman."

"Thanks to me," Jack says. "I'm the one who sent Callum to the clinic in Inverness, where he met Kate."

Callum gives his brother a fake stern look. "Are you saying it was a setup?"

"A happy coincidence. But you would never have met Kate otherwise."

"Well, I have to admit that's true."

I study the various pots and dishes arrayed on the table, but all of them have lids. "What's for breakfast? Can't tell what it is, but it smells heavenly."

"Afraid it's not Callum's amazing cooking," Jack says, with a hint of sarcasm. "But it's good, and it's hot. Autumn and I made all the food."

"That's right," his wife says. "We're the dream team in the kitchen."

Jack winks at his wife. She blows him a kiss.

Alex groans, but it's clearly sarcasm. "Must we be subjected to your saccharine displays before we've eaten? I might be too nauseous to enjoy the food."

The ribbing goes on, but I'm not paying attention to that anymore. My mind keeps replaying the moment when Callum and I said we love each other. I'd been so terrified of getting involved with anyone after my marriage ended that I gave up on dating altogether. If Callum hadn't come into my life, would I have ever started dating again? I'll never know the answer, and it doesn't matter. I do have Callum in my life. The past is gone, and the future can take care of itself.

Yes, I am happy.

Chapter Thirty-Three


After breakfast, I take Kate to my house in Loch Fairbairn. When we first met, she hated my motorcycle and ordered me not to ride it anymore. Now she loves it. I'll retrieve my car from Dùndubhan another time, but Kate doesn't seem to mind if I wait weeks or months to do that. She wants to ride my Harley. She wants to ride me too, but that has nothing to do with transportation.

"This is your house?" Kate says as we walk into the living room.

"Aye, this is where I live. Did ye think I'd bring ye to a stranger's home?"

"No, of course not. But this isn't what I expected."

"I hide my devil-worshiping gear in another room. Want to see the blood-soaked altar now?"

The lass tries not to smile, but she cannae stop herself. "I'm glad you're back to your old sarcastic self."

"How do you know this is the old me? We didn't meet until after I turned into a snarlingtolla-thon."

"But Jack told me what you were like before." She ambles across the room, studying everything she sees. "I guess I thought a former firefighter who's now a carpenter would go for more macho kinds of home decor."

"I can hang some rusty axes on the wall if that will make you feel better."

"No, I like this."

Kate turns in a circle to admire the whole room.