Kate walks into the kitchen while I'm beating eggs in a bowl. With her tousled hair and bleary eyes, she looks as if she crawled out of bed a few minutes ago. When she speaks, a yawn punctuates her words. "Morning, Callum."
"Did you just wake up,mo leannan?"
"Mm-hm. Wanted to take a shower, but I needed to find you first."
I rate above a shower on her list of priorities. I think I like that. "Afraid I sneaked away while you were sleeping? I wouldn't do that,grĂ idh."
"Yeah, I know." She ambles up to the counter, stopping beside me. "But I missed you."
"We slept together all night. How could you miss me?"
"Because I did. Feelings don't need justification."
"Ah, the therapist has awakened." I set down the whisk and pull her into my arms. "Time for a good morning kiss."
"Way past time."
I kiss her slowly because I've learned she loves it when I don't rush. Besides, kissing her feels too good to hurry.
When we part our mouths, she gives me a sleepy-sexy smile. "You taste like coffee."
"I made some. Want a cup?"
"Yes, please. But let me take a quick shower first."
"Have a sip before you go." I grab my mug and offer it to her. "Your morning pick-me-up."
"Mm, thank you." She takes three sips and hands the cup back to me. "Much better. Though the single best way to wake up is with you lying beside me."
"We'll do that next time."
"Can't wait to taste your cooking."
"Donnae set your expectations too high. Ahmno a gourmet chef."
"Even if you serve me gloppy eggs with half-cooked bacon, I will love it because you made the food for me."
She wanders out of the kitchen.
I love that woman.
The thought makes me freeze with the whisk in my hand. My gaze stays pinned to the doorway even after Kate disappears into the hall. I love her. That's what I just thought, and I realize I didn't mean it in an offhanded way. I shouldn't feel like this, not yet, but I cannae help it. I'm in love with Kate Wagner.
But I won't tell her that. It's too soon. Donnae want to scare her away.
I go back to making breakfast and try not to think about my revelation anymore, though it's bloody hard not to do that. I want to rush into the bathroom and jump in the shower with my clothes on to tell the lass I love her. Aye, because that wouldn't terrify her. Of course it would.Take it slow, ye eejit, and wait until she's ready.
Kate returns to the kitchen a wee while later with her hair still damp. She's wearing jeans and a flannel shirt that seems familiar.
"Are you wearing my shirt?" I ask.
"Yep. I didn't bring a change of clothes. Do you mind me stealing yours?"
"No. It looks better on you. Besides, I haven't worn that for ages. Left it here for the times when I stay the night after one of Ma's grand feasts."
She hunches her shoulders. "You're the first man I've slept with since my divorce. The only man I've been with besides my husband since the day I met him."
I walk over to her and pull the lass into my arms. "Forget about thatbod ceann. You're free of him, so donnae let thecacanruin any more of your life."