"Donnae need a chauffeur. I have my own car and my bike."
"Aye, and I'm driving your car with your Harley towed behind it."
"What about your car?"
Jack claps a hand on my shoulder. "I took a taxi to get here, and it took three bloody hours. Evan paid for the fare. He is a billionaire, after all, and he wants this to happen as much as I do."
"Wants what to happen?" No one can blame me for sounding suspicious. My family has a habit of interfering in other people's lives. "I should never have answered my mobile when you rang me yesterday."
"But you did. Too late to fight it. The plans are in motion, and nothing short of an asteroid hurtling toward Scotland will derail the plan." He squeezes my shoulder. "The American Wives Club is taking care of everything."
I do not want to know what they have planned, but I realize I'll have no choice in the matter.
"Get dressed," Jack says. "Unless you want me to bring out the handcuffs."
He pulls a pair of cuffs out of his trouser pocket—lavender-colored, fluffy ones. "Autumn suggested I bring these. She borrowed them from Keely."
No, I will never in a billion years ask why Evan's wife has handcuffs.
"Fine," I growl. "Wait here while I get dressed."
"Pack your bags too."
I hurry into the bedroom to dress and throw all my rubbish into the two suitcases I'd brought with me. I follow Jack into the elevator and down to the parking garage, where we stash my things in the boot, including my motorcycle helmet.
Just as I'm about to shut the boot, Jack dangles the lavender handcuffs from one finger. "Might come in handy later."
He tosses them at me.
I jerk out of the way as the cuffs drop into the boot. "No, I will not need those."
He chuckles.
Aye, my brother is off his head for sure.
"Where are ye taking me?" I ask. "Not to your house, I hope. It's cramped."
"Insulting my home? I should dump you on the side of the road for that." He's smiling, so I know he isn't annoyed. "But no, you won't be invading our house, though Autumn would love that. You're staying at Dùndubhan."
Rory's castle? Well, that won't be too much of a trial. It's posh and spacious.
We get on the road, with Jack driving, and I count the miles until we reach Dùndubhan. It's a long trip, but I feel more relaxed with every passing mile that takes me closer and closer to my home. I was born in Loch Fairbairn, grew up in Loch Fairbairn, and still live in that village. I left for a while to become a firefighter in Inverness, but I never felt as at ease there as I do at home. I gaze out the window at the lochs and trees and houses that speed by outside my window, feeling a sense of peace that had slipped away from me while I was in Inverness.
Except when I was with Kate.
I offer to drive part of the way, but Jack won't let me. He says I need time to think about what I really want. I haven't got a clue what he means by that. Maybe he's talking about my job. I like working as a carpenter, so I don't need to consider my options. Jack can't mean Kate. She flew back to America.
Aye, I want her. But it's not meant to be.
The landscape starts to look familiar, and I know we're getting close to Loch Fairbairn. Dùndubhan is half an hour past that, in the back of beyond. I suggest we stop at our parents' house in Loch Fairbairn before heading to the castle, but Jack dismisses that idea with a shake of his head and an enigmatic smile. I've never known my brother to be mysterious. I'm starting to feel a wee bit anxious about what's waiting for me at Dùndubhan.
No, it won't be anything bad. They'll probably throw a ceilidh to cheer me up. I wouldn't mind a good party.
The closer we get to the castle, the fewer houses I see. Soon, we're driving down tree-shrouded roads that segue from asphalt to gravel. Once we turn onto the long driveway that accesses our destination, even the gravel disappears. The dirt path guides us through the forest, but it transitions to gravel as we go through the metal gate that marks the halfway point. The gate is open since we've been expected. How many of my relatives will be waiting for us? I'll try not to get grumpy with them, but I haven't had the best time lately. The woman I want in my life ran away to another continent. But I'll try to muster some enthusiasm for whatever kind of party or activity they've arranged.
I've lost the girl and my best mate. Yesterday, I tried to ring Hugh but only got his voice mail. Will he ever forgive me for slugging him? I think he's most upset about me and Kate, though he knew she didn't want to date him. But Hugh has always gotten the girl, so he probably needs to process the fact he lost this time. We both did.