"Because you and your club have a plan or something."

"Yep. The American Wives Club is an informal group consisting of the American wives of the MacTaggart men along with the American husbands of certain MacTaggart women. We've made it our mission to ensure no one in our family wrecks a chance at love out of fear."

Callum never mentioned that club. It sounds weird. A group that exists solely to meddle in people's lives? Well, maybe I do need that. I've screwed things up royally on my own. "What is it you want me to do?"

"We want you to come to Dùndubhan."


Emery laughs. "Dùndubhan. It's the castle Rory and I own. We don't live there anymore, and part of the castle is a museum now. But we've arranged to close the museum for a while to help you, Callum, and Hugh settle things between the three of you."

"You want me to stay in your castle?"

"As a guest, yes. Will you do it?"

I stare down at our hands. This woman who has never met me before came here to convince me to give Callum a chance. Why would she do that? I don't know much about the MacTaggarts, but I'm starting to see that this family isn't like any other. Though I've only met Callum and Jack, they are two of the best people I've ever known. Maybe I should trust Emery and the American Wives Club and all the MacTaggarts. Maybe I need to give this a shot.

Normal hasn't worked out so far. Might as well try a holiday in crazy town.

Can't believe I'm doing this. But I clear my throat and say, "Okay. I'm in."

"Yay!" Emery releases my hands to clap hers three times. "You won't regret it."

"If Callum and Hugh are so mad at each other, how do you plan on getting Hugh to stay at your castle?"

"Oh, you just leave that to us."

"Your club."

"Mm-hm." Emery stands up and waves for me to do the same. "Come on. There's no time to waste. We've got a three and half hour drive to Dùndubhan."

I stop at the desk to cancel my plane ticket, then Emery helps me carry my luggage out to her car—a Jaguar convertible. Holy crap, Emery and Rory must be stinking rich. At least I can rest easy knowing I won't wind up sleeping in a drafty castle that has a leaky roof. I bet Dùndubhan is a spiffy place.

As we zoom down the road, leaving Inverness behind us, I have to ask a question. "When will the meddling start?"

She laughs again. "Oh, honey, it's already underway."

Chapter Nineteen


A knock on my door wakes me at six o'clock the next morning. I'd gone to the airport but couldn't find Kate, and she wasn't at her flat either. The lass is gone. I know I should forget about her, but I can't do that. Crawling out of bed to answer the door at least takes my mind off Kate for a wee bit—about thirty seconds, but I'll take what I can get. My thoughts drift back to the American lass as I pull the door open.

Jack eyes me up and down. "Put on some trousers, would you? I got enough of seeing you naked at Alex and Cat's wedding extravaganza."

"It was at a nudist resort. Most of us went naked, including you."

"Aye, but cover up anyway. Donnae want to be shanghaied without any clothes on, do you?"

Shanghaied? My brother is off his head. Maybe his wife has done that to him. Autumn likes to watch documentaries about UFOs and monsters in the forest. She's a sweet and bonnie lass, though, and we all love her.

But I'm confused. "What are ye doing here, Jack?"

"Evan wants you out of his apartment. We all do."

"Why? He said I could have it for as long as I wanted."

"As long as you needed it, that's what he said." Jack strides across the threshold, forcing me to back up, and shuts the door. "You stopped your physical therapy, which means you don't need this apartment anymore. Get your things. I'm driving you home."