"She's not here. I don't have time to haver with you." I try to push the door closed, but Hugh jams it with his foot. "Get out of my way, yecacan."

"Not until you tell me where Kate is."

"She's not your girlfriend. Sod off, Hugh."

I kick his foot away and slam the door. Then I rush to get dressed and get out of the flat, but when I open the front door again, Hugh is still standing there.

"Tell me what's going on," he demands. "Right now, Callum. Where is Kate?"

"Donnae care about why I was naked anymore, eh?"

His gaze narrows, and his lips flatten. "I called the clinic this morning to speak to Kate, but she isn't there. Did you know she quit her job? And she's flying back to America."

"Aye, I know. It's your fault."

"My fault? Kate likes being with me, but you've been a complete arse to her. Tell me what you did to chase her away."

"Ye really want to know?" I yank the door shut, leaving us standing in the hallway where anyone might hear or see us. "I had sex with Kate Wagner last night. It wasn't the first time. Now get out of my way before I skite my fist on your face."

"You're lying. Kate wouldn't do that."

"Aye, she would, and she did. We shagged so many times I lost count."

His eyes bulge, and he grits his teeth so hard a muscle pulses in his jaw. "You fucking bastard. You knew I wanted Kate, but you seduced her anyway."

"She begged me to do it, Hugh. The lass wants me, not you." I try to walk past him, but he blocks my path. "Out of my way. Move your erse or I'll move it for you."

He plants his feet wide. "Go on and do it."

I slug him in the gut. While he gasps and doubles over, I dodge around him. Minutes later, I'm on my Harley racing toward the airport.

Chapter Eighteen


Why didn't I book a flight in advance? Because I panicked, and that state of mind doesn't lend itself to critical thinking. If I had at least called to check on flights before fleeing to the airport, I would've saved myself a lot of time. But I didn't do that either. Get away from Callum and Hugh, that was my only objective. Now I'm stuck in this country, in this city, where both men are currently in residence.Fantastic plan, Kate. You escaped from them good, didn't you?

As soon as I arrived at the airport, I found out flights are all booked up through the afternoon. I can't get anything until seven o'clock this evening. I gave up my flat, so I can't go there to wait. I have no luck getting a hotel room either. Turns out somebody decided to have Highland games here in Inverness this week, which means all those caber tossers and stone-throwers have gobbled up every available accommodation except for a teeny, by-the-hour room in a motel on the outskirts of town.

Well, thank goodness for that much.

I watch TV for a while, but I keep thinking about Callum. Damn, I can't get away from him physically or mentally. I'm stuck in the same city with him, though he doesn't know that. He must assume I flew away already. Good. I don't want him to track me down and try to sweet-talk me into staying so we can find out if we "have something" together. If I see him, I know we'll wind up naked and sweaty again, just like last night. So what if he's incredible in bed? That is not a valid reason to stay. He's also sweet and fun and smart. But no, even that isn't enough.

Uh, what would be enough? No idea.

After a nap and a quick snack that consists of junk food from a vending machine, I catch a taxi back to the airport. My flight doesn't leave for an hour, so I now get to sit in the waiting area with nothing to do but think about that damn Scot. I'll forget about him as soon as I get home. Yes, I will for sure.

I'm slumped in my chair, with my head resting on its back, when I hear someone sit down beside me. Oh great, that's just what I need. A chatty passenger.

"Hello, Kate."

My lids fly open, and I jerk upright to gape at the pretty blonde woman who sits beside me. "How do you know my name?"

She laughs softly. "Don't freak out. I'm here to help."

The woman sounds American.

"Help me how?" I ask. "I don't even know you."