"What?" I swear all the blood in my body has suddenly evaporated, leaving behind a powerful chill. "No, Kate, please don't do that. Let me in so we can talk. I'll beg if that's what it takes."

"I quit my job and gave up my lease on this apartment. Tomorrow, I'm flying home." She shakes her head, but her eyes glisten as if she might cry. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this."

"Running away isn't the answer." I inch closer, but though I need to touch her, I don't do it. "Just let me talk to you."

She gnaws on her lower lip, staring into my eyes for so long that I start to wonder if time has stopped moving. "Okay. But only for a minute."

"Aye. Thank you."

I follow her into the apartment, but I don't sit down. She doesn't either. We stand several feet apart, gazing at each other like neither of us knows what to say. I had a speech worked out in my head, but now I've forgotten all of it. Donnae need a speech. I just need to tell her how I feel. "Please don't leave, Kate. I want to spend more time with you and figure out if we could have something together."

"I told you from the start, I can't give you that. Sex only." She lashes her arms around herself. "You're a good man, Callum, but I can't go down the relationship road again. Even if I wanted that, it's way too complicated with Hugh and the lying. I told you I feel like a cheater, and it's killing me."

"But it doesnae have to. I'll tell Hugh about us. He won't be happy, but he'll get over it."

"Hurting someone is the last thing I want to do."

The lass means to hurt me, but I know she doesn't want to do that. How can I convince her?

I walk up to Kate and take her face in my hands. "Give me a chance,mo leannan. That's all I'm asking."

She shakes her head as tears roll down her cheeks. "I can't."

"Aye, ye can. Please don't run away without at least finding out if we could have more between us." I bend my head to gaze into her eyes, and my lips brush hers. "I haven't wanted anyone since the accident. But I want you. I need you. Please let me show you how good we can be together."

"Even if I want to, I just can't—"

I crush my lips to hers without even considering what I'm doing or why. The thought of losing Kate before we gave ourselves a chance pushes me to do the only thing I can. I kiss her. She sags into me, pushing her tongue into my mouth, and I wrap my arms around her. Our tongues collide, our teeth bump into each other, and we both make grunting noises while we grope each other mindlessly. I know desperation drives this kiss, but I donnae care.

She peels her lips away from mine, breathing hard. "We need to say goodbye. In the bedroom."

"Ye want me to help ye pack your bags?" Aye, it's a bloody stupid thing to say. I cannae think straight after that kiss.

"No, I want you to fuck me."

"Oh, aye."

She mashes her mouth to mine again, and I carry her into the bedroom with one eye cracked open just enough that I won't crash into the wall or the door. I shouldn't let this happen, not when we're both upset. But I cannae resist this woman. Tomorrow, I'll think of how to talk her out of running away. But for tonight, I'll show her what she means to me in the only way I know she'll accept—by making love to her. We do that for an hour. It's hot and wild and a wee bit desperate. Then we fall asleep with our bodies tangled up in the sheets.

In the morning, before I've even opened my eyes, I stretch and yawn and smile. My only task for today is to convince Kate to stay, and I know I can do it. I believe that until the second I open my eyes.

And realize I'm alone in Kate's bed.

Maybe she went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Or she's in the shower. Or… I freeze when I see a small folded sheet of paper on the nightstand. Sitting up, I swallow against a tightness in my throat and force myself to pick up the paper and unfold it. I recognize Kate's handwriting even before I start to read the note. As the words sink into my brain, I crumple the paper and let it fall out of my hand.

"I told you I couldn't stay," the note reads. "Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you. The landlord is giving you until noon to leave."

For a moment, I sit here without moving. Kate is gone. The clock tells me it's after nine, but I have no idea when her flight leaves. Should I go to the airport to find her? The lass told me several times she wants to go home. No, she said she can't stay and she can't do this. Maybe I do still have a chance if I hurry. But I don't know where her home is in America, so I have no sodding clue what flight she'd be on. Will they even let me into the airport if I don't have a ticket? I'll buy one. Donnae care how much it costs.

The sound of three solid raps on the front door jerks me out of my thoughts.

Is it Kate? She said she gave up her lease, so she must have handed her keys over to the landlord. At least she hasn't left me here to get arrested for trespassing. I know I'm an eejit for doing it, but I can't stop myself from sprinting to the front door and tearing it open.

Hugh stares at me, his brows raised, and glances at my body. "Why are you naked? And what are you doing in Kate's flat?"

Bollocks. I forgot I don't have any clothes on. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to see Kate, of course."