"Let's go to a pub tonight," I say, "and find some lasses to have a pint with."

"I hope that's a pint of beer, not Irn Bru."

"Have you ever seen me drink orange soda?"

"Good point. All right, I'm in."

We go to a pub that night, but I have trouble focusing on the plan. Every lass I see doesn't seem quite right, no matter how bonnie and charming she is. Hugh keeps giving me a look I know well, the one that means "you're ruining my chances, you pillock." I don't mean to wreck his evening, but I have no interest in the women we meet. Once, I catch a glimpse of reddish hair, and for a moment, I experience a bloody stupid rush of excitement. But it's not Kate.

After an hour at the pub, Hugh leans in to whisper to me, "Why are we doing this? Neither of us wants to be here."

"Let's go home, aye?"

We abandon all the lasses who might have wanted us and head back to the apartment to share a bottle of single malt whisky. We had both sipped our pints at the pub, not actually drinking much of it. Hugh hadn't behaved like he usually does when women approach him, but I don't want to ask why. He might tell me he's in love with Kate.

Hugh takes a sip of his whisky and turns partway toward me, leaning back into the sofa's corner. "Hunting for girls was your idea, but you barely spoke to any of them."

"You weren't trying very hard either."

"Guess we both had other things on our minds." He swirls the whisky in his glass, staring down at the amber liquid. "You're traumatized by your injury, and I want a woman who's determined to be celibate."

I almost choke on the mouthful of whisky I just swallowed. Celibate? Kate commanded me to fuck her. Though I want to confess to Hugh that I've had multiple pokes with my therapist, I cannae figure out how to tell him. Since Kate insists we will never have sex again, I suppose it doesn't matter.

"Do you honestly like Kate?" I ask. "Or is it the thrill of the chase, trying to win a lass who doesn't want you?"

"I genuinely like her. She's an amazing woman." He swigs the last of his whisky and sets the glass on the end table. "But something in her past has clearly left her bruised and afraid to take a chance. Wish I knew what it was."

"Kate is divorced."Mhac na galla. Why did I tell him that? Well, it's not a state secret—as far as I know. At least I didn't blurt out that her husband cheated on her.

"Divorced?" Hugh says. "Kate told you that?"

"Aye, she told me last Saturday when she stopped by to talk. I think she did that only because she thought I'd be more cooperative during our sessions if she shared something about herself."

"Kate is a clever woman." Hugh smiles a little, almost wistfully. "Maybe I have a chance with her after all. A painful divorce would explain her reluctance."

Oh, bollocks. I've just convinced him he can win Kate over, though I didn't mean to do that. Well, she will probably tell him to bugger off anyway, so I won't have to watch him charming her the way he does with every woman he sets his sights on.

"Things are looking up," Hugh says with a smile. "You've got a girl to shag, and I have hope for Kate."

I feel slightly nauseous when he says that. Donnae want him to charm Kate. If I have to watch her fall in love with him…

Heaving my body off the sofa, I announce, "I'm going to bed."

"Cheer up, mate. Your girl won't want to stay undercover for long, mark my words."

I barely manage to stop myself from wincing. His girl and my girl are the same lass.

Bloody fucking hell.

Chapter Sixteen


Did I actually think Hugh Parrish would give up on his plan to date me?Ugh. Of course he hasn't given up. Maybe if Callum had told Hugh about us—not "us" as in a couple, but rather the fact we had sex—then he might stop trying to talk me into going out with him. But I told Callum not to tell Hugh. I made him sneak me out of his apartment. At the time, stealth seemed like the best option.

Today, I'm rethinking that choice.

I've been at work for thirty-two minutes when Hugh marches into the building. I saw him arrive. Mary had needed some help sorting out the schedule for this week, so I'd been at the front desk giving her pointers. I know the moment Hugh arrives because Mary gets that dreamy look I've seen every time the Brit walks through the door. Though I'm facing away from him, I swear I can feel his gaze land on me.