Chapter Fifteen


Breathing hard, I stare at Hugh and try to think of a believable explanation for the fact I have a woman in my bed. I cannae tell him it's Kate. She wants this to be "one last time" for the second time. Tomorrow, she'll probably suggest a third "one last time." If I have any chance of convincing her to have a real relationship with me, I need to get rid of Hugh. Not permanently. I donnae plan to murder him—unless he gets too nosy about the lass in my bed.

"Just finished, eh?" Hugh says with a smirk. "Still can't catch your breath. Must be an athletic woman."

"What do ye want, Hugh?"

"I went to all the trouble of getting takeaway for us. The least you can do is eat it." He rises onto his toes to peer around me, but the eejit can't see anything with the door closed. "Invite your girl to join us. I'd love to meet the woman who finally got you to break your celibacy vow."

"There was no vow, ye erse." Kate won't like it if I let on she's here, so I attempt to be creative. "Ye donnae know I have a girl in there. Maybe I was rubbing one off."

Hugh tries to stifle a laugh, which makes him snort instead. "You were shouting and making the bed creak while you masturbated?"

"Aye. It was, ah, very invigorating."

"I don't believe you. Just admit you've got a girl."

Hugh isn't the sort to give up, especially when he knows he's right. "Fine. I have a lass in my bed, but you are not going to meet her."

"Why not? You must really like her."

"No." I might have barked that word.Bloody hell. "She doesn't want anyone to know about us."

Hugh squints at me. "Are you shagging a married woman?"

"Of course not. She likes her privacy, that's all."

"I see. I've never known you to date secretive lasses. You always tell me about them, and introduce me to them when I visit." He peers around my shoulder again, as if he thinks the door will magically disappear so he can glimpse the woman in there. "I'm here. She's here. You're here. At least ask the girl if she wants to join us for a meal. She must be starved after the way you shagged her relentlessly."

"How would you know if I shagged her that way?"

My best mate smirks again. "I have a confession. I got here a few minutes before I shut the door loudly. Must've shagged the girl relentlessly or she would've had breath left to scream in ecstasy."

"Haud yer wheesht. No more talking about who I shagged or how I shagged her. She does not want to have dinner with us."

I open the door just enough to slip through it and slam the bloody thing in Hugh's face.

Kate has her clothes on.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Hugh already knows I'm with a woman, so we might as well have a few more pokes."

"No poking with you ever again," she says in a hushed voice. She bends over to look under the bed, and I cannae help admiring her bonnie erse. "Where are my shoes?"

"Behind you."

She whirls around and almost falls over, but catches herself just in time. Then she grabs her shoes and tugs them on. "This was absolutely positively the last 'poke,' so don't try to seduce me again."

"Cannae resist me, eh?"

Kate flashes me a halfhearted scowl. "Help me escape without Hugh seeing me."

"We should tell him about us. I don't like lying to my best mate."

"No, you can't tell him," she hisses, a wee bit louder than she had been speaking. "This has to stay a secret. Since it's over, you won't need to lie to anybody."

"Since what's over? You kept telling me we don't have a relationship."