
No, don't you dare think about that. Be strong. Resist the Scot and his big sexy body.

Yes, I can do that. I have willpower. No man is so good in bed that I can't stay away. My resolve lasts until six thirty on Friday evening. That's when I knock on the door to Callum's apartment. Yeah, okay, I'm hopelessly addicted to the Scot.

His brows hike up when he swings the door open. "Kate? I thought you were never going to see me again."

"This doesn't mean anything, okay?"

"What doesn't mean anything?"

I raise onto my tiptoes to see if the Brit is in there, but I can't tell with Callum's body in the way. "Is Hugh around?"

Callum's entire posture sags. "No, he went to get some takeaway for dinner."

Does he think I asked about Hugh because I want that man instead of him? But I'm not seeing either one. I need one thing and only one thing tonight. "How long do you think Hugh will be gone?"

"Knowing him, it'll take an hour, maybe longer. He likes to drive around until he sees a restaurant that interests him."

"Good. We have time."

"Time for what?"

I square my shoulders, lift my chin, and just do it. "I need you to fuck me. Right now."

His expression goes blank, and he stands there like a statue.

"Did you hear me?" I ask. "I said I need you to—"

"Heard ye the first time. Cannae believe it, though."

"Well, start believing." I slap a hand on his chest and push, walking into the apartment while he backs up. I kick the door shut. "This is not a sign I want a relationship with you. Sex only. One more time to get you out of my system."

One side of his mouth kicks up. "Thought last Saturday was the only time, and you got me out of your system already."

So did I. No such luck.

I grab a handful of his shirt. "Are you going to shut up and fuck me already?"

Callum grins. "Aye. Any way you want."

He scoops me up in his arms and carries me down the hall into a bedroom. His bedroom, I assume. He slams the door shut with his ass and sets me down, then starts stripping off his clothes. "Undress, Kate."

I obey his command, but only because I want to do it. Besides, he spoke in a deep, rumbly tone that makes every inch of my body tingle with anticipation.

He gets naked first and leaps onto the bed, landing on his back. As he clasps his hands under his head, he drags his gaze over my half-naked body. "You are the sexiest woman on earth. I love being with you, Kate, and I'm glad ye knocked on my door tonight."

I shimmy out of my jeans, then dig several condom packets out of the pocket and toss them onto the nightstand. "You're notwithme. All I want from you is orgasms."

"Donnae worry. I'll give ye plenty of those."

Finally naked, I crawl onto the bed to lie beside him. "I want it hot and hard. Let's make the bed shake."

He rolls on top of me. "An toir thu dhomh pòg?"


"Do I get a kiss?"