"I'm sorry. This will be the last time we see each other." She marches to the door and swings it open. "Goodbye, Callum."

"But Kate—"

"Goodbye." She points at the open doorway. "That means leave, Callum."

I walk out the door, and she slams it shut.

Chapter Fourteen


I have become a damn coward and a harpy. Kicking Callum out of my office and slamming the door in his face? That's not like me at all. I know I can be tough with my clients, but I don't act like I did yesterday with him. Okay, maybe I slammed the door on his ass, not in his face. Jeez, like it matters which direction he faced when I booted him out.

All night, I tossed and turned in the most clichéd way. Guilt will do that to a person. Getting a good night's sleep requires a clear conscience and a heart that knows what it wants. I haven't got a clue.

So yeah, I won't be getting much sleep for a long time.

Hugh calls me just as I'm scarfing down the last of my unhealthy breakfast of frozen waffles drenched in syrup and a pile of microwave sausage links. I answer while still chewing the last bite, so my hello sounds like I've got cotton balls in my mouth.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Hugh asks. "I wanted to talk to you before you go to work."

"Why?" Oh no, that didn't sound rude at all.Sheesh, woman, get a grip. "I meant why before work."

"Because you've left Callum out in the cold."

"I referred him to a colleague at another clinic."

"Yes, I know. You're sending him to Edinburgh." Hugh sighs. "Honestly, you should know by now that Cal doesn't like being far away from home. Edinburgh is on the other side of Scotland."

"He's a big boy. He can handle it."

"What's happened to you, Kate? I know you care about Callum. Why are you banishing him?"

"Not banishing anyone. I can't work with him anymore."

Hugh says nothing for a moment while I drum my fingers on the kitchen counter. "Has Callum done something to upset you? I know he's been a bit of a bear lately, but I can tell he trusts you. Switching to a new therapist might set his recovery back. Please reconsider, Kate."

"I can't. My decision is final."

Okay, I know I shouldn't let Hugh believe I dumped Callum as a client because he's too grumpy. Not correcting his assumption will have just that effect. But maybe it's for the best. If Hugh tells Callum that I can't stand his attitude anymore, he might accept that I don't want to see him again.

"All right," Hugh says. "Have it your way. Though honestly, I think you're making a mistake."

"Goodbye, Hugh."

Finally, the call is over. So is my acquaintance with Callum and his best friend. I have no reason to see either of them again.

Work takes my mind off everything, but only as long as I'm with my clients. Paperwork gives me too much time to think about Callum. My life would be so much easier if he had stayed a grump, but no, he had to show me his sweet and sexy side, his humor, and his bedroom skills. I've never laughed so much during sex. He would tickle me until I started laughing so hard my abdominal muscles hurt, then he would make love to me until the pleasure robbed me of breath. Those two and a half hours with him had been the hottest, most intimate experience I'd ever had.

No, I do not have feelings for him. I refuse to fall for another screwed-up man who will wind up screwing me over. I let my husband tie a blindfold around my psyche for years, unwilling to rip it off and see the truth. Callum doesn't seem like the cheating type, but I met him less than two weeks ago. How much can I really know about him?

Then there's Hugh. No matter how often I tell him I do not want to date him and I'm not even attracted to him, the stubborn man still believes he can charm me into wanting him.

My life is one big steaming, stinking mess.

Avoidance is my best option, and I try my damnedest to do that. It's not working. The next day, I realize no one has taken the time slot left empty by Callum's absence, which means I will think about him every morning at ten o'clock until someone takes that slot. By afternoon, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Can't focus. Can't think. Can't stop flashing back to those hours with Callum in my bed.

I don't have feelings for him. He's stuck in my brain because we had amazing sex, and I haven't been with anyone since my divorce. Only Callum. I will go insane if I don't do something. Like what? Taking him back as a client is out of the question.