"What are you talking about?" She pauses. "Do you think I'm dating Hugh? I'm not. We had a nice talk, but it was purely platonic."

"You were leaning in and touching him."

She sputters like she's trying not to laugh at me. "That's your big evidence that I have the hots for Hugh? He's a nice guy, but not my type."

"But he's charming. Women love him."

"I thought you guys were best friends, but it sounds like you're—" She falls silent again, and I swear I hear a clock ticking in my head, counting the seconds until she tells me I'm a sodding moron. "Callum, are you jealous?"

"Of who?"

"Your best friend. You clearly don't like that Hugh came to see me."

"No, I—" Cannae stop the frustrated noises that erupt out of me. "Can we talk in person? Need to sort things with you."

"Okay. Why don't you come to the clinic? I have the rest of the afternoon free. Doing paperwork is mind-numbingly dull, so you'd be saving me from going cross-eyed."

Well, I suppose that makes it all right. I'm helping her, not running over there to beg her to want me instead of Hugh. Not that I want a relationship with Kate. It wouldn't work.

"I'm on my way," I tell her.

Then I hang up and rush back to the clinic.

Kate meets me at the door. She ushers me into the private area of the clinic and straight to her office. I take the chair I've sat in before, while she perches her bonnie erse on the desk's edge in front of me. Since that day when we shagged, whenever I look at her, I picture the lass naked. More than that, I imagine her writhing beneath me and begging me to make her come.

And now myslatis getting stiff.Bollocks.

I want to hook an ankle over the other knee, but that would make my injury act up. So I try to casually drape my hands over my lap, over my groin.

Kate glances at my lap, and her lips twitch as if she's trying not to smile. Her gaze lifts to my face. "What's bothering you, Callum? You said you wanted to 'sort things' with me, but I don't know what that means."

"It means I need to, ah, make sure there aren't any misunderstandings between us."

She shakes her head, almost smiling. "If you beat around that bush for any longer, you'll get dizzy. Why don't you just tell me what the problem is?"

"We fucked, Kate. That's the problem."

"Oh. I didn't realize having sex with me was a problem you needed to solve."

"No, I didnae mean it that way." What a numpty I am. Kate does this to me. With other lasses, I never get tongue-tied. "We haven't talked about what we did."

"It was sex. That's all." She smiles. "Hot, amazing sex. But still, just a physical thing."

"We could try going on a date."

She shakes her head, her smile fading. "No, Callum."


"You're right, though. We do need to clarify things. I'm not interested in dating anyone. Not you, not your best friend, nobody."

Did I honestly think she could have feelings for me? No, a woman like her couldn't want a relationship with me, the man who quit his job because it got too tough. And I've behaved like abod ceann.

"We'll be seeing each other three days a week," I say. "Donnae know about you, but I can't erase what happened from my mind. Can you?"

Kate gazes at the wall past my shoulder and chews on her lip. Then she pushes away from the desk. "I can't be your therapist anymore. It's inappropriate and unhealthy for us to continue our professional relationship. I can refer you to someone else."

"Donnae want anyone else."