Shut your bloody mouth, Hugh.But he won't. I swore to him I can't stand Kate, so he assumes I'll have no problem with him spending time with her. I have no choice. I have to tell him, "Aye, you two should do that."
"I can't," Kate says. "Sorry."
And she bolts out the door, slamming it shut.
Hugh settles onto the sofa again, angled toward me, and lays an arm across its back. "What did you do to Kate?"
"Nothing." She did it to me, which means I'm not lying. Technically.
"Come off it, Callum. She was upset."
No, she was highly aroused and on the verge of climax. "Kate wants us to be friends. She was here to talk, nothing more. We did not argue."
"Hmm." Hugh narrows his gaze on me, drumming his fingers on the sofa's back. "I hope you didn't cock it up with her."
No, my cock was working very well.
Luckily, Hugh gives up on interrogating me. He sighs and stands up. "Kate is a challenge, but I'm up to the task."
He carries the messages into the kitchen while humming a cheery tune.
I am lying to Hugh, aren't I? He believes I have no interest in Kate other than physical therapy. I believed it too—until yesterday. That kiss had changed everything, and our half a shag a few minutes ago made it impossible for me to pretend I don't want her. But should I date her? Or do I want only sex? Either way, I'm buggered.
Hugh likes her. That means I cannae touch Kate again.
Mhac na galla.
"What would you like for lunch?" he calls out to me. "Your servant awaits instruction."
"Pòg mo thòin, Lord Sommerleigh."
"Kiss your arse? Ah, the ogre is back. I thought for a moment you might be the old Callum again."
The old me? Donnae recognize that man anymore.
Hugh goes back to humming.
I push up off the sofa. "Going for a walk."
"Let me finish putting away the groceries and I'll go with you."
"No," I snap, sounding even grumpier. Bloody hell, what's wrong with me? "I'd rather go alone."
"What if your knee gives out? Besides, walking is more fun with company."
"I said I'd rather be alone." I grab my keys and my mobile, then march to the door and settle my hand on the knob. When I glance back at Hugh, he's staring at me blankly. "What's fashing you now? Wanting to go for a walk alone is not a crime. I willnae fall into the river and drown."
Hugh points at my leg. "You're not limping."
"What?" I look at my leg too, but it seems no different to me. So I walk to the sofa and back to the door.Bod an Donais, it doesn't hurt at all. "The physical therapy must be working, I guess."
"You were limping when I left for the store." Hugh's gaze narrows as he scans me from head to toe, and his lips pucker slightly. "Did Kate give you a new exercise to try?"
Oh aye, she gave me a "new exercise." But a poke with Kate couldn't have cured my knee. Could it? Maybe it was hormones or…something.
"Well, I'm away," I tell Hugh as I pull the door open. "Be back later."
"At what time, dear? Your wifey needs to know when to start lunch."