"Condom," I growl, my fingers digging into her hips. "Hurry."

Kate leans back to snatch a packet from the bowl on the table. She tears it open with her teeth, then rolls the latex onto my cock. Her breasts rise and fall as breaths bluster out between her parted lips. She's so bonnie, so sexy, and I need to get her naked. But I can't move. The sight of her flushed cheeks and the peaks of her nipples jutting against her blouse strips away all my self-control.

I shove my hands under her erse and tug her forward until the hairs on her mound brush against myslat.

She wraps her fingers around my length and sinks onto it.

My cock is buried inside her lush body.

With a throaty moan, she starts to move her hips, rolling them into me in a slow and steady rhythm. The scent of her cream surrounds me, making me hunger for more of her, for everything, but I can't even see her tits. I want to flip her onto her back on the sofa and drive into her hard, but that would blow my knee out for sure. So instead, I wrap my arms around Kate and pull her close to kiss her.

Someone knocks on the door. "Callum, I forgot the key."

Who the bloody hell is that? What key? Donnae care. I plunge my tongue deep into Kate's mouth while she rides me faster.

"Callum!" that annoying voice shouts. "Wake up and let me in, please. These bags of groceries are getting heavy."

Kate jerks her head back. Her eyes go wide. "That's Hugh."

Pit air iteig. She's right. My best mate is outside that door while I'm inside shagging the woman I swore to him I didn't want.

The lass in question leaps off my lap and races into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Oh, wait," Hugh says. "The key was in my trouser pocket. Never mind."

I hear the sound of a key being inserted into the lock. And I'm sitting here with my trousers undone and my dokey hanging out—with a condom still sheathing it. Muttering a slew of Gaelic curses, I strip off the condom and shove it into my pocket, zipping up my trousers as the door swings open. Hugh has his head down as he enters the apartment, so I just have time to grab a throw pillow and, ah, throw it over my lap to hide my raging erection.

Hugh sets his grocery bags on the coffee table. His gaze drifts to the armchair where Kate had sat earlier. His lips kink into a smirk, and his gaze veers to me. "You have a girl on the premises."

"What? No."Of course ye do, ye bloody eejit.Why did I lie? I'm panicking, I suppose.

My best mate chuckles. "Does your brother carry a purse now?"

I glance at the chair. Kate's purse lies on the floor beside it. But I don't have a chance to explain.

Kate walks out of the bathroom, snatching up her purse. "I should go. You guys have, um, guy things to do, I'm sure."

Guy things? I've got no sodding idea what she's on about.

"Don't leave on my account," Hugh says. "We can all chat to each other."

"No," Kate and I say at the same time.

She bites her lip.

I clear my throat. "Kate stopped by to clear the air between us."

Hugh drops onto the sofa. "I hope you apologized and showed Kate how much you appreciate everything she's done for you."

"Aye." Not sure a halfway shag counts as showing my appreciation, but I have no idea about what to say to Hugh. He seems oblivious of the sexual tension between me and Kate. Myslatstill throbs, and I cannae think clearly. "But I'm sure Kate has someplace else to be."

She grips her purse strap tightly and glances at the door.

Before she can speak, Hugh announces, "We should go for a walk. The three of us. It's a lovely day."

Kate glances at the door again. "I should go home. Callum needs to rest his knee, anyway."

Hugh leaps up. "You and I can go for a walk, then."