But only if I let them. Jack is right. I need to stop letting Callum hijack our sessions. He only got away with that today because I was, um, distracted by, uh…things. His muscles, mostly. And those piercing blue eyes. And okay, I couldn't stop remembering the day we met, when he got a hard-on while I was evaluating his injury. That didn't happen today, but only because I didn't need to evaluate him again.

I don't see Callum the next day, because his therapy is three times a week. But someone does come to visit me. I'm in the middle of eating lunch in my office when Mary, who holds down the front desk, calls me.

"There's a gentleman here to see ye. He doesnae have an appointment, but he says it's important. And he wants it to be a surprise, so I'm not meant to tell ye his name." She giggles as a voice in the background says something I can't hear. "Cannae say that to Kate."

"What can't you say to me?"

She hesitates before answering. "He says you'll know who he is if I tell you it's Lord Steamy."

Oh no, not him. But I'm sure if I ignore Hugh, he'll sit in the waiting room until I come out. I met the man for thirty seconds yesterday, but I can already tell he's the type who won't give up so easily. Might as well get it over with so I can explain to him that nothing will ever happen between us.

"I'll be out in a minute," I tell Mary.

After scarfing down the rest of my lunch, I rinse my mouth out with water and check for gunk stuck between my teeth. I check my hair in the little mirror I keep in my purse. As I march through the exercise room, I can't help glancing at myself in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors just to make sure my clothes look all right. Oh, for heaven's sake. Why do I care what Hugh thinks of me? If I want to shut down his courtship attempts, I ought to make myself look slovenly.

The second I step through the door into the waiting room, Hugh leaps off his chair and trots over to me.

"Good afternoon, Kate," he says with a smile. Then he takes my hand and kisses it. "You look ravishing today."

Overkill much? Sheesh, this guy is laying it on so thick I'll need a jackhammer to dig my way out. "Hi, Hugh. What do you want?"

"To bask in your presence."

"Does that kind of talk usually work for you?"

He shrugs. "Sometimes. I have an arsenal of techniques for seducing a woman, so I'm sure I can find something that will make you randy."

Did he seriously just explain to me that he's a calculating lothario? But he doesn't seem like that kind of guy.

Hugh winks and smirks. "That was a joke, darling."

Thank goodness. "I'm working, Hugh. So why don't you tell me what was so important that you had to stage a sit-in."

"Of course. Here's what I came to say." He moves closer and speaks in a lower, sexier voice. "Have dinner with me, Kate."


"Because we're two single people who have nothing better to do." He tilts his head to the side. "Unless you're married or have a serious boyfriend."

"I'm single. But I don't think it's a good idea. I'm treating your best friend."

"But you are not treating me." He smiles again, and I can't deny that expression is appealing. "Come on, love, give me a chance. I'll pay for dinner. What have you got to lose?"

Oh, that's a loaded question.

But I haven't gone on a date in a long time. Haven't done much of anything for a long time. I work, I go home, I sleep, I go back to work. Maybe I don't want to get entangled in a relationship with Hugh Parrish, but an evening out could be fun.

"Okay, Hugh. I'll have dinner with you tonight."

He grins. "Brilliant!"

"Where's your partner in crime?"

"In the car. He insisted he will not go back into 'the torture chamber' one minute sooner than he has to." Hugh hooks a thumb over his shoulder, toward the windows. "I've been driving Callum around. He grouses about it, but he hasn't shoved me out of the car yet."

"He'd better not be riding his Harley."

"Oh no, I took the keys away and hid them."