I jump up and rush over there. To see Callum, of course. It's been ages since I saw my best mate. All right, I might actually be hurrying because I want to chat to Kate some more. Or chat her up. Haven't decided which I want to try—conversation or seduction.

As I reach Callum, I slap his arm. "Has the lovely Kate rearranged all your neurons?"

"Neurons?" Kate says, looking more confused than seems necessary.

"Surprised I know what the word means?" I ask. "I do have a degree from Oxford, you know."

"Uh-huh." She turns to Callum. "See you on Friday. Remember, no motorcycle. And keep doing those stretches."

Kate disappears through the mysterious door.

I throw an arm around Callum's shoulders. "So, tell me all about your private session with Kate."

Chapter Five


I watch the two men amble out of the building and get into Callum's car. I keep watching until the vehicle zooms out of the parking lot and I can't see it anymore. Those two are going to drive me insane, I'm sure of it. No, I don't want to date either one. Hugh is too full of cocksure charm, and Callum is too grumpy. Both men are attractive and sexy, but I steer clear of hot guys. They always leave a trail of misery in their wake.

Besides, I'm taking a break from dating.

Though I go back to doing my job for the rest of the day, my brain insists on reminding me of Hugh and Callum. Why do I keep thinking about them? I don't like either man, so I shouldn't be musing about them while I'm at work.

I can think about them when I get home.

No, I won't do that either.

During my counseling session with Callum, I struggled to remain calm and professional. But that man is testing my patience and pushing me to my limit. When I asked once again how he gets along with his family, he said, "Fine." When I encouraged him to discuss his friendship with Hugh, he shrugged and tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling. Finally, I broached the subject that seems like the most important one for us to discuss. I asked how he injured his knee the first time.

He grunted. "Everybody knows how it happened. On-the-job injury."

"When you were a firefighter."


"Tell me more about that incident. How it happened, why you quit your job."

He clasped his hands over his belly and stared at the ceiling again.

Oh yes, that man is going to drive me insane—and I'll end up strangling him with an elastic therapy band. Those are supposed to be used for gently strengthening injured muscles, but Callum doesn't need any help in that department. His muscles are already big and strong.

When I get home from work, I contact the one person who might be able to help me get through to Callum. I call Jack MacTaggart.

"Afraid I can't help you," he says when I all but beg for his help. "Callum won't listen to me either. You'll have to find your own way to break through to him."

"Why did you tell me your brother is cheerful and easygoing? He's more like a wounded grizzly bear."

"And he needs you to tend to his wounds."

"Please don't tell me this is some kind of weird matchmaking scheme. Callum and I don't even like each other."

Jack chuckles. "No matchmaking, not this time. You are a talented psychotherapist, Kate. You know better than to let a difficult client commandeer your sessions."

Yeah, I do know better. But Callum… He's impossible.

We chat for a few more minutes, though not about his recalcitrant brother, then we say goodbye. Only after we hang up do I realize exactly what Jack said earlier.No matchmaking, not this time. What does that mean? This time? Sounds like some other day he might try to meddle. Jack is a good man and a good therapist, but I don't need anyone messing with my life.

Callum and Hugh seem like they'll be doing enough of that on their own.