She blushes again.

Then I turn around, getting my first look at the she-demon from the depths of hell. And I freeze. Blimey, that can't be her.

A woman with golden red hair, tied up in a ponytail, stands just outside a closed door, scanning the surroundings as if she's looking for someone. She is looking. For me. I'm a lucky bloke, aren't I? Kate Wagner has a slim body with just enough curves to make any man's mouth water and breasts that make me want to see them naked. All right, I want to see every woman's breasts naked. I love a nude woman, full stop.

Kate notices me and crooks her finger, beckoning me.

Well, it would be rude not to go over there and seduce—ah,introducemyself to her. She is the woman who's tormenting my best mate, after all. I need to do in-depth research to determine how best to save Callum from the harpy. Yes, I will sacrifice myself to spare my friend because I'm a valiant knight.

No. I might be many things but chivalrous is not one of them.

I reach the she-demon and offer her my hand. "Hugh Parrish. You must be Kate."

"Uh-huh." She slips her hand into mine for a brief shake. "Callum said you'd be coming for a visit. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait quite a while. We completed his physical therapy for today, but we still need to finish his psychotherapy session. That lasts an hour."

"I see." Can't help skimming my gaze over her body—but only once and very quickly. So it doesn't count. "What sort of psychotherapist are you? MD? PhD?"

"Nosy, aren't you?"

"Cal is my best mate. I need to make sure his therapist is fully qualified and understands his unique needs."

She rests her hands on her hips. "I have PhDs in psychology and physical therapy. Satisfied, Mr. Nosy?"

"My name is Hugh Parrish, Viscount Sommerleigh."

Women always love my title, but Kate just wrinkles her nose. "Viscount? That must be one of those titles that doesn't mean anything because it's given out to rock stars and actors."

"I do not have a meaningless title. I'm the twelfth Viscount of Sommerleigh." I'm beginning to see what Cal meant about Kate. She's…prickly. But I'm excellent at sneaking past the nettles to find a woman's soft, pliant center. So I slant closer and smile. "But you can call me Lord Steamy."

Kate snorts as if she's trying to stifle a laugh. "Lord Steamy? You've got to be kidding."

"Don't you want to know why women call me that?"

"No thanks." Her gaze slides over me from head to toe. "You look like you're dressed for a business meeting."

I am wearing a suit, but no tie, so I can see why she might assume that. "I like to dress well. Unlike my friend Callum, who thinks jeans and a leather jacket are the epitome of fashion."

"Yeah, I bet you're a real fashion whore." She moves toward the closed door, grasping the knob. "Look, I've got to get back to work. It'll be another hour before Callum is done. You're welcome to wait here, but there's a cafe down the street if you get bored."

"Have dinner with me, Kate."

She jerks her head back, chin tucked. "Excuse me?"

I don't normally ask a woman out with no preamble, but she wouldn't let me talk her into it. Maybe I shouldn't ask her out, anyway—at least until I make certain Callum is not interested in her at all. She might be prickly, but she's also beautiful and sexy. So yes, I'd better make sure. My query was a knee-jerk reaction, that's all.

"We can talk about that later," I say. "Better get back to Callum. It was nice meeting you, Kate."

"Uh-huh." She still seems confused, but she goes through the door without looking back.

And I sit down in a ruddy awful chair to wait for Callum. Now that I've met Kate, I can see why she drives Cal mad. A desirable woman who's immune to my charms? That's never happened to me before. I have far more talent in wooing women than Callum does, so I can imagine how much the luscious Kate confounds him.

Bloody hell, the woman confounds me too.

Mary comes over to ask if I'd like some coffee or tea. I decline, and I ignore her fluttering lashes. She's gotten a bit braver, though, and lays a hand on mine for about half a second. Then she blushes again and hustles back behind the reception desk. Well, at least one woman in this place likes me. But no, I don't think I'll unleash my charms on her. Poor little Mary seems far too innocent for my taste.

Since I have nothing else to do, I lean my head back against the window behind me, stretch out my legs to cross them at the ankles, and shut my eyes. I can sleep anywhere, but for some reason, every time the door opens and its electronic chime bongs, my eyes fly open. I wind up chatting to an elderly man who had hip surgery, though mostly I listen to him explaining in detail what's involved in a hip replacement. After he leaves, a middle-aged woman sits down beside me, determined to chat me up. I love older women, but honestly, I'm not in the mood for that right now. Besides, she has brown teeth and smells like cigarette smoke.

At last, Callum and Kate emerge from the depths of the building.