“Heidi, the hotel store seemed to be pretty busy today. How did we do?”

Heidi perked up and smiled. When they reopened the hotel, they had decided to expand the small gift shop their great-aunts had run. On top of necessities and little knick-knacks the aunties had sold, the sisters had added a large crystal inventory, along with some incense options, locally made teas and other health tinctures, and a clothing line. In addition, they also offered a selection of wines fromIced Vines Estates.

“We sold out of nearly everything,” Heidi reported happily. “But don’t worry, I prepared for that. We’ve got new shipments of everything coming in starting on Monday.”

“Well, that is great news,” Birgit replied sincerely, smiling widely at her younger sister.

“How’d we do on new reservations?” Heidi asked.

Birgit’s smile grew bigger.

“Amazing.Somany people wanted to book after the tour. We don’t have an opening for at least the next eighteen months!”

“Oh my gosh, that’s great!” Heidi squealed excitedly as Frieda let out a satisfied grunt. Heidi rolled her eyes and smacked her arm playfully.

“Oh, come on, Frieda. I know you’re still upset about the hot chocolate, but seriously, we have a lot more to celebrate than to complain about!”

Frieda rolled her eyes, then smiled. “Well, I guess that’s true,” she agreed begrudgingly.

“I know what we need,” Birgit said pleasantly, getting up. “Come on, follow me.”

In her quarters, Birgit pulled the bottle of champagne Chris had gifted her out of the fridge, and uncorked it.

“Where did this come from?” Frieda asked skeptically as she got out three glasses.

“It was a gift from Chris,” Birgit explained, pouring the champagne. “His way of saying congratulations on paying off the divorce.”

Frieda and Heidi both froze, their eyes immediately going to their older sister.

“It’s all done?” Frieda asked, a rare bout of sympathy shining in her eyes. Birgit nodded.

“All done. That chapter is officially closed.”

“Oh, B,” Heidi whispered emphatically, placing a hand on her oldest sister’s shoulder.

“I’m fine. Really,” Birgit promised. Surprisingly, she actually meant it.

“Well, then,” Frieda said, raising her glass, “we definitely have something to celebrate.”

“Cheers to that,” Birgit replied, raising her glass up to Heidi and Frieda’s. They toasted, and Birgit took a long sip as her phone dinged.

“Oh, speak of the devil,” she said, checking it.

“Jimmy??”Heidi and Frieda asked in shocked unison. Birgit laughed, and shook her head.

“No! Chris. I told him he could come over and use the hot springs tonight as a thank-you for the champagne. You gals want to join us?”

Heidi yawned as she shook her head, and put her still-full glass down.

“I’d love to, but I’m exhausted. I need to get home before it starts to snow. We’re supposed to get some later tonight.”

“What about you, Free?” Birgit asked, turning to her other sister. Frieda shook her head.

“I’m going to finish this glass, then I’m gonna walk home. I didn’t get a chance to check on Francis all day. He’s probably pretty upset with me for not checking on him.”

Birgit couldn’t help but laugh. Francis was a mutt that had been dropped off at their parents' vineyard when he was a pup. The moment a field hand had brought him to the main house four years ago, Frieda had fallen in love and had immediately taken him in. She might not be that good with humans, but when it came to the four-legged friends, she was a pro.

“Oh, yes. We mustn’t keep Francis waiting,” Birgit teased.