Page 5 of Arrested Hearts


I let myself into Gage and Tyson's home and called out, “Merry Christmas, fuckers!”

Lyle sighed from behind me as he closed the door and grumbled something about knocking. It was hard to hear over the footsteps bounding towards us. I never knocked atanyof our friends’ houses anymore when we visited. Because we were more than friends; we were family, and that's just what families do.

As Ty hustled into the foyer to greet us, he nearly tripped over his dogs Axel and Koda, who were clambering over themselves to get to Banjo, who was by Lyle’s side. I still hadn't forgiven my husband for giving our dog such a ridiculous name. He was lucky I loved him so damn much.

When the dogs took off into the other room and Ty could stand upright, he gave Lyle and me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I'm so happy you're here!”

Gage strolled in behind his husband and gave each of us a bear hug. “Hey guys, thanks for coming. Here, let me help you with those.” He took one of the cases of beer I was carrying from my hand. I volunteered to bring booze because my husband and I were both shit cooks. But we were sexy as hell. It wouldn't be fair if we were this hotandcould cook.

I followed the pair into the kitchen where we dropped off the drinks, and I took a look at the food spread out on the table. My eyes bulged when I saw the giant bird that had apparently just been pulled from the oven, as it was still steaming in a pan. “Holy shit, Ty; did you cook an ostrich?”

He wrung his hands as he looked at the bird. “Do you think the turkey is too big? I wanted to make sure we'd have enough. I didn't want anyone to be hungry.”

He always thought of everyone before himself, and I immediately felt bad for teasing the sweetheart. Until Gage gave me a death glare. That cheered me up. I loved pissing off my police partner.

“I think it's perfect, angel,” Gage told Ty before taking his fidgeting hands and kissing them. The big man was putty when it came to his husband.

“Me too,” Lyle chimed in. “It looks delicious.” My man was great at smoothing over any issues I caused. Bless him.

“And don't worry, Ty,” I added, “I brought my appetite, so I can tear that pterodactyl up.” Truth be told, Ty would probably eat more than the rest of us combined. I'd never seen anyone eat the way he did, though I had no idea where he put it.

His smile returned, and I wanted to keep it there, so I told him, “Hey, I've got a Christmas joke for you.” Tylovedcorny jokes, and I thought a holiday themed one would tickle him.

“Really? Ooh, let's hear it!” He clapped his hands together and gave me his full attention.

“Why is Santa’s sack so big?”

He scrunched his lips from side to side as he thought, but finally shook his head. “I don't know, why?”

“Because he only comes once a year.”

Ty broke out into a fit of giggles, and Gage’s face melted into a lovestruck expression at the sound. I was out of the doghouse. Lyle gave me an unimpressed side-eye for my dumb joke, but I didn't miss the smirk that accompanied it. Damn, I loved that smirk.

“More friends are here!” Ty cheered when a knock sounded at the door. He and Gage rushed off to meet them, and my fiery redhead’s smirk stretched wider.

“Sounds like it's someone with manners.” Lylelovedgiving me shit and honestly, I lived for it.

“Who needs manners when you've got an ass like this?” I turned around and shook my cheeks at him. “And you get to look at it whenever you want.”

“Lucky me,” he groaned sarcastically, but when I looked over my shoulder, I saw undeniable heat in his eyes as he stared. I knew he loved my body; he told me all the time. Heshowedme all the time. He showed me more love and compassion than I deserved. He also gave me all the sass I craved. He was perfect for me.

I spun around again and wrapped him in my arms before kissing him deeply. We joked a lot, but I would never let a day go by without showing him my love and gratitude. Lyle had been through some serious shit in his lifetime, including an ex who used him like a punching bag. I promised myself I wouldalwaysmake him feel safe, cherished, and wanted.

“Ah hell, Watson, not in here; you’ll spoil all the food,” a deep voice groaned. I parted from my beautiful blushing man to see our friend Mike scowling at me.

“Aw, I love hearing my new last name,” I cooed, rubbing my nose against Lyle's, as his blush deepened. I’d taken Lyle’s last name when we married, and my stomach flipped every time someone used it. But Mike wasn't impressed. He crossed his thick arms across his chest and huffed.

“What's the matter?” I asked, genuinely perplexed. Since Mike came out and married his Dom, Jonah, the sight of affection never bothered him. Unless...“Someone didn't get his turkey stuffed?” I guessed, and the way his eye twitched told me I was right.

“It's not even getting basted,” he whined, just as Jonah entered the room.

“What's that, Mikey?” Jonah asked, and his husband stood up straighter. “You're not complaining, are you?”

“No, Officer.”

I loved watching their interactions. Mike was a whole head taller and a good bit broader than Jonah, yet he submitted to the smaller man without question. Their relationship was special and worked for them; they each got everything they needed and I was thrilled for my friends’ happiness. Even if Mike didn't exactly look happy at the moment.