Page 8 of Reckless Mayhem

“My car crashed and went over the hill. I need to get to a hospital.” Yeah, a little lie was better than the truth.

“Shit! Okay. Hop in.”

I opened the door and slid onto the seat, wincing as I leaned back against it. “Thanks.”

A young girl with blonde hair looked me over. She had to be a few years younger than me, still in high school. “You need a doctor. You’re bleeding.”

“I am?” I asked stupidly. Looking down, I noticed the gash on my thigh and the blood streaking down my leg.

“Is there anyone else who needs help?”

I shook my head. “No. Just me.”

She nodded. “I’m Layla.”

“Bianca,” I answered, trying to keep my eyes open. Fatigue was setting in, and I didn’t know how long I would remain awake.

“I’ll get you to an ER as quickly and safely as possible.” She pushed down on the gas, and the car lurched forward.

I didn’t remember falling asleep or reaching the hospital. The next time my eyes opened, I rested in a room with an IV in my arm. My head still ached, but not as badly as earlier.

I moved my arm and noticed the soreness in my shoulder. The doctors must have put it back into the socket. My arm rested in a sling, but I had mobility back. A quick assessment revealed bruises, a bandage on my thigh, and a few scratches—nothing I couldn’t handle.

This was the worst time to need to use the restroom, but I had to go. I swung my legs over the mattress, relieved that I moved without too much pain. The IV probably pushed fluids and pain meds.

Fifteen minutes later, I sat on the bed, dressed, and pulled the needle free from my arm. I tugged on my shoes next. I had no intention of staying in this hospital. I had an ID in my purse. The staff would have contacted mynonno, and I didn’t want to go home. Not yet. I needed to see Benny first.

He wouldn’t know where to find me unless I went to Craven. I decided to go back to the estate but sneak into Craven’s cottage. He would help me find Benny.

I didn’t want to call a taxi after what I had gone through in the last twenty-four hours. Maybe that was silly, but I didn’t care. I ended up taking an Uber and spent a small fortune returning to Visalia.

I loved living in the San Joaquin Valley, nestled in the foothills below the majestic Sierra Nevada mountains. This time of year, the temperature dropped to a chilly sixty-five degrees, and I loved stargazing with a mug of hot chocolate from the veranda.

By the time I reached home, the meds had worn off. I was thirsty, hungry, and exhausted. I kept dozing off and never ended up getting any rest. The pain renewed with a vengeance as I paid for the Uber. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep for a week.

Growing up on this estate, I knew where to hide and kept to the shadows, finally reaching Craven’s cottage as the sun rose high into the early afternoon sky. When I opened the door and stepped inside, catching Craven by surprise, an apology on my lips, I lost my balance.

I crashed to the floor as he rushed to my side.

“Miss Bianca!”

“Benny,” I murmured, hoping he understood.

“I’ll tell him you’re here.”


“No need. Please, let me help you up.”

We managed to help me to my feet. Craven steered me into Benny’s old room, and I fell onto his bed, shivering as Craven built a fire. The warmth reached me as my eyes fluttered.

“Please tell me what happened.”

“Car accident,” I whispered, losing consciousness before I could continue. “The taxi.” Knowing I was finally safe, I let sleep claim me and knew I wouldn’t awaken for hours. My body needed rest to recover.