Page 60 of Reckless Mayhem

She couldn’t see how they adored her and lovingly caressed her body. How tiny flares of light sparked over her skin.

Right before I came, I felt a surge of energy before it left me, pouring into her. And when I spilled into her body, so did the power that healed the sickness inside her womb and protected our child.

Bianca was safe, whole, and healthy. Our son would be born with every advantage in this unpredictable world. His mother would be here until old age finally separated us. Even then, I didn’t believe we wouldn’t find a way to tangle our souls in the afterlife.

Shit with her family still needed resolved but Alaric Huber had fled the estate and with Bianca’s inheritance she could buy out any portion of the Huber empire that she wanted. Hell, she could make all of them work for her. I would.

Alaric had crimes to answer for and it didn’t sit well with me that he felt like a loose end. My shadow felt that restlessness but didn’t act on it. We both knew it would happen when the time was right. Until then, I would protect Bianca from her uncles and grandfather. A phantom warrior always at her side.

And that only left the oath I’d given when I took Rubio De Marco’s life. His soul had been reaped and sent to hell. After discovering that video, my rage had festered, nearly consuming me. Now, I no longer felt that fury. I’d gotten justice, at least to the extent possible. Holding onto it now would only pull me away from Bianca, and with our son on the way, I had to let the past die with the men who harmed me. I could finally say I felt peace.

Two weeks later, we entered The Crossroads. Grim and the Tonopah Chapter decided to throw a Christmas party and invited members of the Devil’s Murder MC along with the new Las Vegas Bastards. Crow, the Devil’s Murder president, stood next to Grim as they both raised a shot and tossed it back. That happened often all night.

Twinkling lights had been strung around the perimeter. An enormous tree was erected in the middle of the common room and covered in flashing bulbs and decorative balls. The star at the top shined bright as the light pulsed. Presents were stacked beneath, and the pile was fucking obscene.

I had never felt so happy.

“Next year,” I murmured in Bianca’s ear, “We’ll have our son with us.”

She cradled the side of my face, free of the prosthetic. I didn’t wear the bone-white mask either. Only the tattoo on my face with black ink, permanently marking my skin on the left side, provided a barrier. I’d gotten a skull that covered the worst of my deformity and burned skin.

It was a huge step for me to allow myself to be truly seen. With Bianca, I found the courage. After finding retribution for my father, I no longer wanted to live in shame.

“I can’t wait.”

Her touch on my skin was pure heaven.

I dropped my head to kiss her when shouts erupted around us.

“You’re not under the mistletoe!”

Bianca laughed, dragging me across the room, and then lifted as our lips met.

That kiss was branded into my heart forever.

Craven approached us as we parted. “Merry Christmas!”

Bianca and I both lost a father, and now we gained one.

She kissed his cheek as he flushed with happiness.

“I have something for you,” Craven announced, handing over a card. “I hope it brings joy and answers a few questions that remain.”

Curious, I took it from him, tearing the envelope open. Inside, a letter stared back. Addressed to me.

It wasn’t the letter that shocked me but the person who wrote it—my father’s sister. An aunt I believed was dead until now.

“What does it say?” Bianca asked.

I scanned the contents, stunned when I finally got to the end. “My family estate was sold when my father died, but the money was held for me until I could be located. She, my aunt, never believed I was dead.”

“Wow,” Bianca breathed.

“It’s not millions,” I joked, “but it came from him, and it’s mine.”

Her smile widened.

“There’s a shipment coming with a few boxes. Things that belonged to my father, and he wanted me to have.” My voice croaked, and I had to take a steadying breath. “I don’t have anything that belonged to him.”