Page 6 of Reckless Mayhem

Chapter 2

“Stop the car and putdown the gun,” I ordered, fumbling for my purse. “I mean it, Carlo.”

“You’re not in a position to demand shit,principessa.”

Carlo cocked the gun, rotating the cylinder. The action aligned a new round within the barrel.


Was he crazy enough to shoot me? I didn’t doubt it.

“Don’t you think mynonnowould retaliate if you hurt me?”

He snorted. “You don’t have a fucking clue.”

“Enlighten me, then. Tell me.”

My fingers splayed across the seat, locating the edge of my purse as I snatched it, reaching into the interior. I found the cool metal of the Smith & Wesson my Aunt Porcia had given me at the book signing before she was injured. A precaution that might save my life.

“No. Whatever you’re thinking, don’t do it. I’ll fucking subdue you however I need to, Bianca.”

Screw that! I slung the strap of my bag over my head and shoved my shoulder through it, letting the leather rest against my hip on the seat. With one hand, I shoved Rubio’s phone inside. With the other, I pulled out the weapon and aimed at Carlo’s head.

“You better hope you can get off a shot before me,” I warned.

“Che due coglioni!”What the fuck? “Toss the gun aside, Bianca. Now!”

“No!” I screamed as he pulled back on the trigger, and I ducked, sinking to the floorboards behind his seat.

The bullet fired into the back window and screeched through the glass as the wind whipped around the hole. I didn’t have a clue how I managed to avoid being hit. My heart hammered in my chest as I gasped for breath, clutching my weapon so tight that I could have pressed the trigger if my finger lingered over it.

My ears rang from the loud bang, the gunshot still echoing inside the cab.Dio Santo!He almost shot me. I could have died! My vision blurred as I blinked back tears, staring at the busted glass. How the hell did I end up in this mess?

“You can’t hide forever, Bianca. Get up!”

No way!

Trembling, I tried to think of a way to get out of this vehicle safely and couldn’t come up with one. Either I climbed back in the seat and faced Carlo’s wrath or took control and forced this situation to my advantage.

I chose option two.

Palming the gun and settling into a crouch, I inhaled and exhaled several times, desperate to calm the frantic beating of my heart. My fingers twitched as I sucked air into my lungs. How the hell did I calm down enough to focus?

“Get up slowly, Bianca,” Carlo ordered as I felt the vehicle begin to slow down.

This might be the only chance I had.

Popping up fast, I pulled the trigger on the gun, unloading a single shot into Carlo’s shoulder. The cab swerved as he cursed, struggling to maintain control as his body slammed into the driver’s door and then righted. He shouted in fury and fired his weapon a second time. I flattened to the floorboards again as two more shots exited the vehicle through the back windshield and the right passenger window.

Carlo groaned as the car swerved again and then lurched forward as he pressed on the gas. “You’ll regret this,puttana. I don’t care who your family is.”

In survival mode, I lifted my head to see his eyes fluttering, hoping I injured him enough to escape. Carlo struggled to maintain control. The vehicle slowly began drifting to the left. I felt the cab jostle as we crossed over the rumble strip. The vibration lasted only a few seconds before dust kicked up from the tires. Luckily, we never slammed into another vehicle before we went offroad.

The body of the cab shook as we ran over rocks, vegetation, and whatever else crossed our path. I braced myself against the seats, knowing it wouldn’t be long before we crashed. A scream launched from my throat when the front of the cab dipped downward and picked up speed. We pitched over the edge of the road and flipped, locked in a death roll until we finally landed at the bottom of a creek. My body had been battered and slammed into the seats, doors, and interior the entire way down.

Struggling to breathe through the pain and shock, I rested on the roof. Everything hurt. I lost the gun and realized I didn’t know where it was located now. Awareness returned with a swift kick to my brain as I turned on my side.