Page 28 of Reckless Mayhem

Benny had become the prince of my childhood dreams. My savior. And now, my fiancé.

Sometimes, happily ever after was real. Even if it was twisted, dark, and bloody, I had a feeling our battle for freedom didn’t end tonight. The war was only beginning.

But I would enjoy every minute I shared with Benny until the end.

Chapter 8

Alaric Huber wouldnever surrender his granddaughter so easily. The fact that he let us leave without a confrontation worried me more than I let on. I stayed silent on the subject because I didn’t want Bianca, my fiancé, to stress about it.

My fiancé. Never did I dare to hope for such a future with my sweet angel. And now ...

I lifted Bianca’s hand, staring at the diamond ring I rushed to purchase last night. After overhearing Alaric and Carlo’s plans, I knew I needed to be at that masquerade. I couldn’t allowmio angeloto fall prey to their scheme.

But that wasn’t the only reason. Rage and jealousy had combined into a bitter cocktail until I couldn’t think or breathe at the thought of her belonging to anyone else.

Bianca would always bemine.

Possessive? Obsessed? Downright covetous? Yes, I’d become all three.

My lips pressed to her knuckles, brushing my mouth over the soft, fair skin. “Are you happy?”

Her answering smile was breathtaking. “Oh, yes.”

I ticked my chin at the butterfly mask she wore in the same shade as her dress and sapphire-colored eyes. Every curve of her body tempted me as the dress molded to her figure like a second skin. Drool nearly formed in my mouth.

“Take off the mask.” I didn’t like her covering or hiding her beauty from me.

She removed it as I released her fingers. “You don’t like it?”

Just the opposite. I didn’t answer her because all I could think about was how I’d have to fucking beat some serious ass tonight when I showed up to The Crossroads with my woman dressed like a fucking goddess.

“Heads are gonna fucking roll tonight,” I growled, staring at the beautiful woman next to my side. “I swear to fuck; if I catch my brothers staring for too long, there’s gonna be trouble.”


“Fuck. I’m a lucky bastard.”