“I meant what I said up there,” he said softly. “You’re my future now, Zoe. The only future I want.”

I melted into his arms, tears of joy welling up. With a single decision, Caleb had changed everything. Chosen love over fortune, connection over corporations. He had come home - to Pebble Point, and me.

Jamie clapped Caleb on the back enthusiastically. “Way to go, man! That was one heck of an announcement.”

Caleb smiled, a touch of color rising on his cheeks. “Thanks. I just did what felt right.”

Jamie grinned. “Well, it was the right thing, no doubt about it. We’re all proud of you.” He pulled both of us in for a bear hug.

Mr. Harper came over, looking visibly relieved, “Zoe, my dear – I never thought I’d say this to a client, but I’m so relieved you no longer require my services.”

Over Jamie’s shoulder, I caught sight of Sam Samuels stepping up to the podium again, tapping the microphone. Gradually the excited chatter died down as all eyes returned to the front.

“I know emotions are running high after Caleb’s momentous news,” Sam said. “And I think we could all use a bit of time to process it. So for now, this meeting is adjourned.”

Another wave of animated conversation rose as people began gathering their things to leave. Several folks approached Caleb to shake his hand or pat his back.

“Quite the local hero now, aren’t you?” I teased.

Caleb looked sheepish. “I just did what was right for the town and for us. The people here deserve to have their home preserved.”

I squeezed his hand, my heart swelling with pride and love.

Jamie gave Caleb another congratulatory slap on the back before heading over to chat with some other locals. I noticed people glancing my way, no doubt curious about my reaction.

As the crowd started thinning out, I realized this was my moment. I stood up on slightly shaky legs, a nervous flutter in my stomach. But I knew what I had to do.

I walked steadily to the front of the room, feeling all eyes turn to me. Taking a deep breath, I stepped up to the podium and tapped the mic.

“Excuse me, everyone,” I began, my voice echoing through the hall. “I know you’re all leaving, but if you could spare just another minute, I need to say something.”

The remaining people paused and looked to me expectantly. I saw Caleb regarding me with a mix of curiosity and concern.

“I’ll keep this brief,” I continued. “You all know how much I love this town. Pebble Point has been my home for my entire life. And I’ll do everything in my power to protect it.”

Nods and murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd. I went on, my voice gaining conviction.

“But I also want to say... I love… Caleb. I didn’t expect it, but he’s become important to me. And I truly believe our futures are intertwined with the future of this town we both care about so much.”

As I spoke, I looked right at Caleb, seeing surprise and emotion dawn on his face.

“So I’m standing here today to declare my commitment to Pebble Point and the man who’s captured my heart. Caleb, I choose you and our life here together.”

Caleb stared at me, stunned. Then a smile spread across his face and he started striding toward me. The townspeople rose to their feet, clapping and cheering.

Caleb swept me into his arms and kissed me deeply in front of everyone. I melted into the kiss, not caring that we had an audience.

When we finally drew back, both flushed and beaming, I knew I’d made the right choice by speaking from my heart.

I was still reeling from my public declaration of love when Caleb took the microphone again. The room fell silent again as all eyes turned to him.

He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a small velvet box. My breath caught as he opened it, the hinge creaking softly in the hushed room. Nestled inside was a brass key on a delicate chain.

“Zoe,” Caleb began, his voice solemn yet warm. “When I came to Pebble Point, I only saw dollar signs and building plans. But you opened my eyes to what matters - community, love, and finding meaning in simple things.”

He lifted the key from the box, holding it gently. “So I’ve transferred full ownership of Pebble’s Brew to you. It’s yours, free and clear. Because just like this town, that shop is part of your heart and soul. I want you to have it, to carry on your family’s legacy.”

Tears sprang to my eyes. I couldn’t believe Caleb was essentially giving me Pebble’s Brew. After our clashes, he understood how much the shop meant to me.