“Seems like it,” I agreed. An awkward beat passed before I spoke again. “So, what do you want to do now? Grab those donuts or go on a ride?”

Caleb glanced around, his eyes landing on the makeshift dance floor near the live band. Couples swayed gently to the upbeat, folksy music.

“How about a dance instead?” he asked suddenly, catching me off guard.

“A dance? Wasn’t the other night enough for you?” I repeated in surprise.

“Yeah, why not? We’re at a carnival, the music’s playing... seems like as good a time as any.” He held out his hand. “Unless you think you can’t keep up with me. The music is a little faster than last time.”

A teasing glint appeared in his eyes and I bristled at the challenge. “Oh, it is so on.”

Before I could overthink it, I took Caleb’s hand and let him lead me onto the dance floor. He pulled me close, one hand on my waist, the other clasping mine. And then we were off, stepping and spinning in time to the infectious beat.

As the melody washed over me, I started to relax. Caleb guided me expertly, twirling and dipping with an intuitive grace. His touch was sure, but surprisingly gentle. And despite our banter, he looked at me sincerely, making my heart flutter.

Lost in the music, I let my guard down. The rest of the carnival faded away until it was just the two of us. When the song ended, we stood there for a moment, both slightly breathless.

“Not bad, Masters,” I said softly.

The corner of his mouth lifted. “You’re not so bad yourself, Daniels. We are beginning to make a habit of this, aren’t we?”

Any last traces of animosity had melted away, replaced by something far sweeter.

“That was... nice,” I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as we stepped apart.

Caleb rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncharacteristically bashful. “Yeah, it was.”

A brief silence fell, not quite awkward, but full of unspoken thoughts.

I snuck a sidelong glance at Caleb, taking in the sharp lines of his profile. No longer so cocksure or sarcastic, replaced by a vulnerability that intrigued me.

“That was a really nice thing you did back there,” I said. “I guess you’re not such a robotic corporate overlord, after all.”

Caleb laughed under his breath. “Don’t let it get around. I have a reputation to uphold.”

“Secret’s safe with me,” I winked.

Chapter 19

Thecafékeyturnedin the lock with a satisfying click. I pushed open the door, breathing in the familiar scents of roasted coffee beans and vanilla. Morning light streamed through the front windows, bathing the room in a soft glow.

I went behind the counter, running my hand along the smooth wood. I loved this peaceful time before the customers arrived, when I could prepare the space and settle into the day ahead.

First things first—the flowers. I arranged the colorful bouquets I’d picked up at Mrs. Lacey’s in mason jars on each table, stems bobbing cheerfully. The bright petals lent warmth to the room.

Next, the chalkboard. I picked up a piece of chalk, contemplating today’s inspirational quote. Finally, I wrote in looping script: “Be the reason someone smiles today.” There. A little positivity to start the day.

Satisfied, I tied on my apron. I was ready to brew some coffee and welcome my regulars. A new day full of promise awaited.

I took a deep breath as I wiped down the counter, mentally preparing for the day ahead. Since Caleb and I had started spending more time together, curious eyes and whispers followed us around town.

Pebble’s Brew had always been my sanctuary, a place for comfort and quiet joy. I wanted to protect the warmth and intimacy here. But the growing attention on my personal life felt intrusive, even if well-meaning.

How could I maintain boundaries without shutting people out completely? This community meant everything to me. I just needed some space to figure things out with Caleb, without feeling like we were under a microscope.

The chime above the door jingled merrily, interrupting my thoughts. I saw Caleb himself sauntering in, rakishly handsome as always.

“Morning, sunshine,” he said, flashing his signature crooked grin. “A latte to start the day?”