Outside, the lighthouse beacon swept over the dark water - our family’s symbol calling us home. Jamie wrapped an arm around me as we watched, standing together on the shore where countless childhood days had etched themselves into our hearts.


Jamie and I stepped out into the fresh night air, with the cafe now closed for the evening. We strolled down the quiet sidewalks of downtown, heading for the nearby beach.

The sandy shore was one of our favorite childhood haunts, filled with memories of endless summer days building sandcastles, searching for seashells, and splashing in the waves. Even now, the sight of it soothed my soul.

Jamie slipped off his shoes, wiggling his toes in the cool sand. “Remember how Dad always pretended to be a sea monster coming after us in the water?”

I laughed. “And how he’d toss us up in the air until we screamed for him to stop?” The memories turned bittersweet. “I miss them both so much, Jamie.”

“Me too.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “But they’re still with us - in the legacy they left behind.”

We stood gazing out at the moonlit ocean. The steady rush of waves seemed to echo Mom and Dad’s enduring love for this town.

“It’s our job now to carry that legacy forward,” I said softly. “To take the heart and spirit of Pebble’s Brew and spread it through the community.”

Jamie nodded determination in his eyes. “We won’t let them down.”

Side by side, we watched the distant beam of the lighthouse sweep over the dark water. It felt like a guiding light, reminding us we were not alone. With Jamie by my side, I knew we could weather any storm - and keep our parents’ memory burning bright in Pebble Point.

Chapter 21

Thearomaoffreshlyground coffee beans and baked goods mingled with the salty beach breeze. The bell above the door chimed as I wiped down the counter, preparing for another day of serving the townsfolk their favorite caffeinated concoctions.

“Good morning!” I greeted cheerily, expecting to see one of my regulars. Instead, I was met with a stern, unsmiling woman who looked as if she’d never touched a cup of coffee in her life. Her steel gray hair was pulled back into a severe bun, and her thin lips were pursed beneath a pair of blue eyes that could’ve rivaled icebergs in both color and temperature. A pair of black-rimmed glasses perched on her nose completed the picture of a no-nonsense health inspector. Ms. Warner, according to her name tag.

“Ms. Zoe Daniels?” she asked, not returning my greeting.

“Guilty as charged,” I replied, trying to maintain my usual warmth despite the sudden chill in the air. “How may I help you, Ms. Warner?”

“Health inspection,” she said curtly, brandishing a clipboard like a weapon. “I trust you have your records in order?”

“Of course.” I hurried to gather the necessary documents, my hands shaking ever so slightly. Health inspections were usually routine, but something about Ms. Warner set me on edge.

She inspected the papers with a critical eye, making occasional marks on her clipboard. I busied myself with tidying up the shop, hoping beyond hope that everything would pass muster. But it seemed that no matter how hard I tried, she found fault in even the smallest details.

“Your sugar is stored too close to the coffee beans,” she said, her voice dripping with disapproval. “And these muffins are not properly covered. Furthermore, I find that your establishment lacks the appropriate number of fire extinguishers.”

“Really?” I couldn’t help but scoff. “We’ve never had any issues with those things before.”

“Rules are rules, Ms. Daniels,” she replied icily. “I suggest you start taking them seriously if you wish to remain in business.”

Panic rose within me as she continued to rattle off a list of seemingly trivial violations that I scribbled down on a napkin. What was going on? Had I inadvertently angered some higher power who’d decided to send Ms. Warner to take me down? There had to be some explanation for this sudden enforcement of obscure regulations. But as I looked into her cold eyes, I knew arguing would do me no good.

“Alright,” I said through gritted teeth, forcing a smile. “I’ll get right on fixing those things. Thank you for bringing them to my attention.”

“See that you do,” she said, turning to leave. “I’ll be back this afternoon at 3 o’clock sharp to ensure that all violations have been addressed.”

As the door closed behind her, I slumped against the counter, my heart pounding in my chest. How was I supposed to fix all those problems in such a short amount of time? And why did it feel like my world suddenly crashed around me?


“Hey, what’s going on?” Caleb swept into Pebble’s Brew with his usual air of authority, startling me from my panicked reverie. My heart was still racing from Ms. Warner’s unnerving inspection.

“Health inspector,” I muttered, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably. “Apparently, there are some violations we need to address. And today…”

Caleb’s eyebrows shot up as he scanned the napkin list. “These seem… excessive,” he observed.