I gazed out at the cloudless sky, leaning into Caleb’s sturdy frame. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, holding me close. We stood in perfect silence, watching the seagulls wheeling across the sky.

“You know, I since I’ve been running Pebble’s Brew, I come here to clear my head when things get tough,” I murmured. “Being near the ocean always soothed me. But now, sharing this view with you... it means so much more.”

I nestled closer into the shelter of his embrace. A sense of peace washed over me. The challenges we faced seemed less daunting now that we had each other.

“Come on, we best get back so Emily isn’t swamped by the maddening crowds,” Caleb said reluctantly.

Taking my hand, Caleb and I returned along the shoreline, retracing our footprints in the sand.

Neither of us spoke as we walked, but a new understanding hummed between us. With each brush of our shoulders, I felt myself falling deeper, an irresistible force drawing me to him.


When we reached the café door, Caleb paused, turning to face me. The morning light caressed his features. I noticed details I’d never seen before - the tiny scar above his left brow, the flecks of green in his blue eyes.

We lingered in the moment, neither rushing what came next. I could spend a lifetime learning the map of this man.

Caleb lifted his hand, tucking a windswept strand of hair behind my ear. When our eyes met, the air stilled around us. The rest of the world fell away until all that remained was his tender gaze holding mine.

With a smile full of promise, Caleb opened the door, ushering me inside. No more words were needed. The truth shone clear between us. However unexpected, we had found in each other what we’d been missing all along.

Chapter 20

Thesunwasjustbeginning its descent as Jamie strode through the café door, casting everything in a warm amber glow. I looked up from crafting Linda’s latte, a knot already forming in my stomach. His eyes met mine, glinting with mischief.

“Well, looks like I’ll be shipping off next week,” he said, feigning solemnity as he watched me closely.

My heart sank. I busied my hands with straightening the display of scones, trying to hide my disappointment. Of course, I wanted Jamie to follow his dreams, but the thought of him leaving again so soon was like an ache in my chest.

“Couldn’t turn down those big cruise ship bucks, huh?” I said, attempting a smile. “I’m happy for you, Jamie. I know how much you were hoping for this.”

He grinned, sauntering over to ruffle my hair like he used to when we were kids. “You’re too easy to tease, sis. As if I could leave my sis and this old place.”

Relief washed over me in a wave. I swatted his hand away, my eyes narrowing. “Jamie Daniels, you brat! I oughta-“

Running around the counter, I threw my arms around Jamie, nearly knocking over a chair in my excitement.

“You’re staying?” I asked, my voice muffled against his shoulder.

He squeezed me tight before stepping back. “Of course I’m staying. Pebble Point is my home. You’re my family.”

I blinked back happy tears as we settled at our usual window-side table with mugs of the Legacy Blend, the rich aroma soothing me like an old friend.

Jamie gazed out at the beach, the fading sunlight dancing in his eyes. “The cruise ship was tempting, but nothing compares to this place. Performing is my passion, but the connections I’ve made here, the memories...” He trailed off, shaking his head. “My life is here. With you and Pebble Point.”

My heart swelled, overflowing with love and gratitude. I reached across to squeeze his hand, at a loss for words.

Just then, Linda bustled over, beaming ear to ear. “I couldn’t help overhearing your news, my dears. Jamie, I’ve got an idea you might like,” she began excitedly. “I’ve been thinking about reopening my late husband’s old music venue next door to my antique shop. How does managing it sound?”

Jamie’s eyes lit up. As they talked animatedly about his role in our little community, I gazed out at the darkening beach, knowing our parents would be so proud of the man he’d become. My brother was home, and Pebble Point was whole again.

Jamie’s eyes shone as he turned back to me, practically vibrating with enthusiasm. “Can you believe it? My own music venue!”

I laughed, beyond delighted at his excitement. “It’s perfect for you. Bringing people together through the power of music - that’s your gift.”

He nodded, his expression growing tender. “I’ll make it just like this place - warm and welcoming. A late-night hub for our community.” His voice caught. “I want to honor Mom and Dad’s legacy.”

At the mention of our parents, my vision blurred with tears. I squeezed Jamie’s hand, emotion swelling in my chest. “They’d be so proud of you,” I whispered. “Of us. And how we’ve kept their heart and soul alive in Pebble Point.”