“It does, doesn’t it?” A small smile played on Caleb’s lips. “Maybe we should ditch this town and open a hut on the ocean. I’ll give surf lessons, and you can serve coffee on the beach.”

I laughed, the sound spiraling up into the night sky. The image was tempting. But as I pictured my cozy shop, our little community...I knew I could never truly leave it all behind.

Caleb met my eyes, his expression sobering. “Our parents cast big shadows. But their dreams don’t have to be ours. At the end of the day, we have to do what feels right for us.”

I nodded slowly. He was right - we each had to chart our own course.


I swung higher, pumping my legs to gain momentum. The chains squeaked rhythmically, transporting me back to my carefree childhood days.

“Remember when we used to have contests with Jamie to see who could swing the highest?” I asked Caleb.

He grinned. “I always won.”

“As if!” I shot back. “I was the swing queen, and you know it.”

“Is that right?” He arched an eyebrow. “I seem to recall someone eating dirt after trying to show off.”

I cringed at the long-ago memory. “Okay, point taken. But I redeemed myself. So I might have been in my twenties, but I finally jumped from the highest part and even managed to land on my feet.”

“No way,” Caleb said, eyes widening.

“Yep. It was right after my parents passed. I figured I had nothing left to lose.” I smiled wistfully. “For a second, I felt like I was flying.”

Caleb studied me. “You always were braver than me.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” I dragged my toes through the sand below, carving abstract shapes. “Hey, remember how we used to talk about what we wanted to be when we grew up?”

He nodded, a faraway look in his eyes. “You wanted to be a singer.”

“And you wanted to play baseball for the Dodgers,” I said. We shared a laugh.

“Things change, huh?” Caleb mused.

“They do. But maybe...” I took a breath. “Maybe it’s not too late to find a little of that old magic again. Even just as hobbies.”

Caleb’s expression turned thoughtful. “You know what? You’re absolutely right.”

Our swings gradually slowed, and we walked on. I felt lighter. The past could inspire, not trap us.


Seeking a change of scenery, we decided to head down to the beach. As we walked, the rhythmic sound of the waves gradually grew louder, filling the air.

The moonlight shimmered on the water’s surface when we reached the shore. Caleb paused, glancing around. “Hey, look.” He gestured to a piece of driftwood nestled in the sand.

We made our way over. Caleb crouched down, using a stick to etch our initials and the Pebble’s Brew logo into the sand beside it.

I watched his hand move carefully, impressed by his artistic skill. But I also knew the impermanent nature of the medium wasn’t lost on either of us.

We sat in the sand, side by side, as the tide gradually crept closer. The cool night breeze ruffled our hair as we watched the waves advance inch by inch.

Finally, the foamy water met the etched letters at our feet, softening the crisp lines and blurring them until they were illegible. Soon, all traces of our design were erased completely by the relentless tide.

I let out a wistful sigh, taking Caleb’s hand in mine. “It’s sad to watch it wash away so quickly. But that’s how it is - nothing lasts forever.”

Caleb gave my hand a supportive squeeze. “Some things do,” he said gently.