I furrowed my brow. “Looks like quite a storm blowing in.”

Caleb followed my gaze. “Hope it doesn’t knock the power out. I still have paperwork to finish back at the office.”

“You and your paperwork,” I teased, walking behind the counter.

He opened his mouth for a retort when suddenly everything went dark. The café was plunged into inky blackness, the only light coming from the radio on the counter, its screen glowing faintly from its battery backup.

“Whoa, speak of the devil,” Caleb said.

I blinked, letting my eyes adjust.

The radio continued to play softly, its tinny speakers cutting through the silence. Rain pattered against the windows as the wind howled outside.

Caleb moved carefully toward me, guided by the radio’s dim light. “Let’s get some candles going.”

I nodded, already reaching for the drawer where we kept the emergency supplies. My fingers found the familiar shape of the matches and candles.

Working together in the near darkness, we soon had the café aglow in flickering candlelight. The shadows danced on the walls as thunder rumbled in the distance. But inside Pebble’s Brew, all was cozy and calm.

Caleb leaned against the counter, arms crossed, surveying our handiwork. “Not bad. Almost has a romantic vibe to it.”

I felt my cheeks flush and busied myself tidying the counter. “Oh stop. Just trying to make the best of a power outage.”

The radio continued its playlist of throwback hits. When “Two Is Better Than One” by Boys Like Girls came on, I couldn’t help but hum along to the sweet melody.

“I love this song,” I said with a smile.

Caught up in nostalgia, I set my coffee mug down and turned to Caleb. “Dance with me?”

He looked surprised, but then grinned. “Sure.”

I took his hand and led him to the center of the cafe. The candles on the tables cast a gentle glow as we slowly danced, the music swirling around us.

With his hand warm at my back, we swayed gently to the lyrics about love and partnership. I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing in his masculine scent.

For that song, the years seemed to melt away. We were eighteen again, dreaming of the future, of the lives we’d build.

When the song ended, we stayed close, neither wanting to break the spell. Outside, the storm raged on, rain lashing the windows.

Caleb tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re something else, Zoe Daniels,” he murmured.

My heart fluttered. I wasn’t ready for this moment to end.

I smiled up at Caleb, not wanting our impromptu dance party to end just yet.

But inside Pebble’s Brew, we’d found our own peaceful world, filled with memories rekindled and new connections forged.

We talked and laughed as the evening stretched on; the storm locking us in this cozy haven.

Candlelight flickered over our faces as we shared stories from the years apart, bridging the gap between past and present.

The world outside was a distant thing. Inside was only this circle of light and the gift of a new beginning.

Chapter 14

Themorningsunglaredoff the battered metal sign hanging crooked above Pebble’s Brew. I squinted up at it, lips pressed together. The storm last night had done a number on the old thing.

With a sigh, I positioned the ladder beneath it. Gripping the wooden rails, I steadied my nerves and climbed. As I approached the sign, tools in hand, the rungs creaked under my weight.