As we cleaned up from the search, the ancient radio tuned to my favorite 2010s station, which shifted from some generic rock track to “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.

Caleb’s head snapped up at the opening notes. I froze in place, dishrag in hand. That brought me right back to high school dances, standing awkwardly on the sidelines, hoping a certain someone might ask me to dance.

Glancing at Caleb, I could tell by the faraway look in his eyes that the song held meaning for him, too. Memories neither of us had shared yet connected us all these years later.

We stood there as the lyrics swelled around us, the playful rhythm at odds with the sudden weight in the air. A hundred unspoken moments hovered in the space between us. Times our paths might have crossed if we’d only been brave enough to reach out.

I busied myself, wiping down the counter, unsure what to say. The song dredged up a well of emotions I usually kept capped. Longing for a life I’d never known—one where I took chances instead of watching from the sidelines.

I felt the lyrics sinking into my skin. Reminding me that sometimes the bravest thing is to be ourselves simply. No walls, no pretense. Just the way we are.

“You know, for a CEO, you’re not very responsible with your valuables,” I teased, hastily changing the mood. “I’d keep that under lock and key if I were you.”

Caleb laughed, the sound so unexpected that I found myself joining in. The usually serious man looked almost boyish, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

“You’re absolutely right,” he admitted. “I clearly can’t be trusted on my own.” He glanced around the cafe, taking in the cozy nooks and shelves. “I suppose I’ll just have to stay close to someone who can keep an eye on me.”

His gaze returned to me, soft and meaningful. I felt my cheeks grow warm.

“Well, you know where to find me,” I managed.

Caleb nodded, his smile lingering. “That I do.”

We carried on with our tasks, the easy banter continuing. But there was a new layer of understanding between us. In searching for the old relic, we’d unearthed glimpses of who we used to be, and could still become.

The cafe itself seemed brighter, filled with promise. As if we’d discovered treasure not just in the watch, but in each other.

As we settled back into our routines, I found myself stealing glances at Caleb. The afternoon had revealed a different side of him that I hadn’t expected. His laughter still echoed in my mind, that rare unguarded moment we’d shared.

Under the focused CEO exterior, traces of the boy I’d known in high school lingered. The one who had occupied my teenage daydreams, though he’d never noticed me then.

As I refilled the pastry case, Caleb looked up from wiping a table. Our eyes met and he gave me a small smile.

I ducked my head to hide the blush I could feel rising. Get it together, Zoe. I busied myself with wiping down the counter, hyperaware of Caleb’s presence just a few feet away.

Chapter 13

Thelastcustomerbelljingled as the door swung shut behind them. Finally, blissful silence filled Pebble’s Brew. I sighed, leaning back against the warm wood counter.

“Another successful day,” Caleb said, appearing from the kitchen with a damp rag in hand.

I smiled. “Seems your fancy coffee drinks are a hit after all.”

He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I told you so, oh doubting one.”

I tossed my towel at him with a laugh. He snatched it from the air and returned to wiping down the tables. The comforting crackle of the radio provided a soothing background melody as we fell into our new closing routine.

Caleb cleared dishes with efficient sweeps of his arm while I refilled the sugar jars and restocked the bakery case. Twilight shadows stretched across the cozy interior. Dust motes danced in the fading light beside the chalkboard menu. The rich aromas of coffee and cinnamon enveloped me.

“Zoe, you missed a spot,” Caleb called over his shoulder, grinning cheekily.

“Nice try, mister. I’m getting wise to your tricks.” I flicked water at him from across the counter.

He held up his hands in mock surrender, eyes glinting. “Can’t blame me for trying.”

I bit back my own smile, enjoying the easy banter. We continued our closing tasks, the radio crooning familiar tunes. A warmth that had nothing to do with the cozy café interior filled my chest. I found myself humming along, feeling lighter than I had in ages.

I glanced out the front windows as I wiped down the last table, noticing the dark clouds rolling in. The trees swayed in the rising wind, their leaves rustling ominously.