“Ouch,” he winced, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Well, you know what they say—’when one door closes, another opens.’ Maybe I can help. I have some contacts who might be able to hook you up with a temporary solution.”

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow skeptically, but hope surged inside me.

“Absolutely,” Caleb assured me, already pulling out his phone. “I’ll make some calls right now.”

“Thank you,” I breathed, feeling weight lifted off my shoulders. But I knew we weren’t out of the woods yet.

I focused on the morning rush as Caleb stepped aside to make his calls. With our limited supply, I had to ration carefully, prioritizing regulars and their favorite drinks. I explained the situation to each customer, apologizing profusely for any inconvenience.

To my surprise, I was met with understanding and support instead of annoyance. Mr. Jenkins, who always ordered a large cappuccino, patted my hand reassuringly as he accepted a small one instead.

“Chin up, dear,” he said kindly. “We all have our off days.”

“Thanks, Mr. Jenkins,” I smiled, touched by his kindness.

As I navigated the morning chaos, I couldn’t help but steal glances at Caleb, who was pacing back and forth, phone pressed to his ear. He seemed genuinely invested in finding a solution.

“Got it,” he finally announced, snapping his phone shut with a satisfied grin. “One of my contacts will get back to us within the hour. Hang tight, Zoe. Help is on the way.”

“Thank you, Caleb,” I replied sincerely, the warmth in my heart nearly overshadowing the anxiety still lurking there. “I really appreciate it.”

“Anything for Pebble’s Brew,” he said, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. And I believed him.


“Zoe, I have good news!” Caleb announced with a triumphant grin. “My contact can provide us with coffee beans, and they’ll be here within the hour.”

“Really?” I asked, trying to contain my excitement. “That’s amazing! Thank you so much, Caleb.”

“Hey, we’re in this together now, right?” he said, giving me a wink that sent an unexpected flutter through my chest.

The morning rush was in full swing, but the promise of an emergency bean delivery buoyed my spirits as I attempted to keep up with the orders. The banter between Caleb and me flowed seamlessly, making the work almost enjoyable. Almost.

“Ah, Mrs. Henderson,” I murmured as the notorious customer walked through the door, her silver-streaked curls bouncing with each step. She was a petite woman, but her presence loomed large, filling the room with an unsettling energy. Her hawk-like eyes scanned the cafe, landing on the limited menu posted on the chalkboard.

I watched as Mrs. Henderson’s face turned an alarming shade of red, her lips pursed tightly in a disapproving frown.

“Really, young lady,” Mrs. Henderson huffed, tapping a perfectly manicured fingernail on the counter, “it’s bad enough that you’ve run out of my favorite blend, but this wait is just unbearable!”

“Mrs. Henderson, I apologize for the inconvenience,” I said, trying to keep my composure. “We’re doing our best under the circumstances.”

“Your best clearly isn’t good enough,” she snapped. “How can you call yourself a proper coffee shop when you don’t even have decent coffee?”

Just as the situation seemed ready to boil over, Caleb stepped forward, his expression calm and collected. “Mrs. Henderson,” he began, his tone smooth and confident, “I couldn’t agree more—a coffee shop should always have the finest selection available. And that’s why we’re working tirelessly to make it right.”

“Oh?” she replied skeptically, raising her impeccably plucked eyebrow.

“Absolutely,” Caleb continued, his smile never wavering. “In fact, we have a shipment of the highest-quality beans arriving shortly, just for our discerning customers like yourself.”

Mrs. Henderson blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by Caleb’s charm offensive. “Well, I suppose that’s something.”

“And, if I may say so,” Caleb added, leaning in conspiratorially, “your impeccable taste in coffee is matched only by your stunning sense of style. It’s truly a pleasure to serve someone with such refined sensibilities.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, young man,” Mrs. Henderson chuckled, any lingering annoyance was apparently forgotten. “Very well, I shall wait for my coffee. But it better be worth it!”

“Of course, Mrs. Henderson,” Caleb said with a wink, his unerring diplomacy having won the day.

As she retreated to a nearby table, I turned to Caleb, my eyes wide with admiration and disbelief. “That was incredible! You managed to turn her around completely.”